Chapter 13: Strange

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--Your P.O.V--

You woke up and rubbed your eyes, then you sat up. Matt was turning in bed from his nightmare that he was having. Then suddenly, Matt shot up and yelled.

"Not the face!" He screamed.

You quietly laughed and patted his back.

"It's alright Matt, nothing is happening to your face." You comforted.

He calmed down and jumped off the bed with you.

-:Time Skip:-

You and Matt brought Edd along in your trip to Tord's army base this time. So that this time wasn't so boring or awkward or anything like that. All three of you walked around in a group, stopping to look at something big here and there.

"Wow, is this your robot?" Edd asked, pointing to a red head looking thing that was in poor condition and had a harpoon through it.

Tord walked over and sighed sadly.

"Well, that's what was left of it after the explosion." Tord answered, brushing some dust off of his shoulder.

"Then... where is Tom?" Edd asked again.

"He should be over there still, remember, don't listen to him because he may still be acting strange." Tord lit a cigarette and walked away.

Edd gave him a confused face while Matt and you nodded. Edd followed you and Matt while the two men let you though. Soon, you all reach Tom's cell again. This time, he was laying down on his bed, twiddling his thumbs. He seemed to be super depressed, bitting his lip.

"How's it going Tom?" Edd spoke up.

Tom twisted and slowly sat up.

"Just fine!" He snapped.

Tom wasn't wearing his normal blue hoodie and blue jeans, or grey sweatpants. Not even his checkered shoes. He was wearing a dark grey vest with dark blue jeans. His shirt was long sleeved and blue. On the shoulders were two circles cut in fourths. Two were white and the other two were black. He also wore a black tie that barely shows because its hidden by his vest. Then his shoes were black and had white laces and a white bottom. That surprised Edd and you, Matt was just fixing his hair in his mirror.

"Tom? What are you wearing?" You asked.

"Tord made me wear this. I hate it!" Tom threw his arms in the air, looking down at his clothes.

Someone then walked in and over to Tom's cell door. He grabbed some keys and started unlocking the door.

"Alright Tom, time for the tes-." He stopped and looked at you. "I mean... time for the tea party." He nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's not what you were going to say. What was it that you were going to say?" You cross your arms as Matt did the same and Edd stared at him.

"No! That is what I was going to say." He went into Tom's cell and handcuffed him. "Come on. Let's go." He went out the door with Tom in front. (This guy is the only one other than Tord in the Red Army that can actually speak English, he's giving lessons to other random people in the army too.)

"That's weird... anyways, let's head out." Edd smiled and walked behind the man with Matt and you following close behind.

"Tord, what is going on with Tom? Why was he wearing different clothes? Why was he being walked to another place?" You unloaded your questions.

"Geez F/N, calm down. Tom is just being his weird and random self. Then we changed his clothes so they look more appropriate in this environment. And he was being taken to a room to help him with his personality for recent events." Tord answered, shrugging.

"A tea party?"

"Wha-? Erm, please hold on." Tord put his hand up to a ear piece. "Hva faktisk blar floppen!?" He yelled. "Teselskap!?"

Tord argued with someone across his ear piece for awhile, then put his hand to his side and straightened, turning around to face all three of you again.

"Sorry for that short interruption. Where were we?" He acted as nothing happened.

"Tea party." You casually respond.

"Right." He rolled his eyes. "Let's just say that."

"So then, really, what is going on?" Matt quizzed.

"Nothing." He panicked sightly.

"Hmm...." You, Edd, and Matt all hum.

You three wonder around the base again, pointing at things here and there. Edd pointed to a part of a plane that was damaged and Matt looked at a ripped up suit with blood splattered on it. They were all in display with the robot head in a highly guarded room. You bend down to look at the torn up suit. It read, 'Red Leader's suit of The 2014 Zombie Attack.' Then it had something in Norwegian that you weren't even going to attempt to read. You nodded and read about the plane part. This one said, 'This is all that could be salvaged after Paul and Patryk crashed the N0r5k1 plane, even after Red Leader wrote a note saying NOT to crash.' You laughed as Edd and Matt looked at you with confusion. You motioned for them to come over. They did and they laughed after reading too.

"I don't get it." Matt said.

"Oh boy." You roll your eyes and hold Matt's hand to the next object.

-:Time Skip:-

You and Matt were sitting in the grass in the park, the same one that Matt was shot in. You both held each other's hands and you had your head on his shoulder. It was a sunny day with the trees giving you the perfect shade. Matt turned and grabbed a basket.

"Want something?" He asked.

"Sure." You grabbed the basket.

You looked in it to see the bags of grapes, boxes of raisins, and sandwiches in a bag. You took out one of each as you handed Matt the basket back. He dug around for the food inside and pulled out one of each too. You took the sweet red grapes while Matt ate the purple ones. You had red raisins and Matt had purple raisins to match his grapes. Then your sandwich was peanut butter and jelly. Matt made a sandwich with ham and cheese. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of Lays potato chips. You glance over and almost choke on your food. You didn't know he had your favorite chips. He's a sneaky fellow.

(Filler! This is only a filler chapter to get closer to the end. Not that I want the end to come. I just had the sudden feeling that I wanted to write in about five different drafts that I have out of about 20. So if (I mean WHEN) I finish this, then I'm gonna work on a book that is almost done, short, or is pretty far. And, curse me....

This was awhile ago but still

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This was awhile ago but still. I freaking love this song.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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