3- making a new friend

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After walking for a bit we arrived at a sitting box where it had the letter 'D' on the door of it.

"Let me guess, Drumstrings?" I asked lucifer and Felix.

"Yup, your right," Lucifer smiled. A tall man with black hair came out of the box. "Hello professor Karkoff,"

"Hello luciver, Velix," he said with a very heavy Bulgarian accent. He turned to wards us girls. "Are vese ladies your sisters?"

"Professor, this is my younger sister Odette and Emerald, and this is my cousin, Avery,"

"Vice to meet you," Karkoff said not actually meaning it.

"I'm very sorry, vut I must go," Karkoff said before brushing past me. Felix opened the door and let us all into a rom full of red and black faces.

"I'll show you where to your seats are," a house elf informed us. We wandered a few steps and we took our seats, me being the very end. I didn't realise but I was sitting next to a boy.

"Hey, Ez, who's that girl!" A boy asked. The guy sitting next to me and looked at me.

"I'm sorry about him, Torrence, leave her alone," he looked back at me. "I'm Ezra Dixington,"

"I'm Averinia Lupin, but I prefer Avery Lupin," I said shaking his hand. "What year are you in?"

"I'm in my fifth year, how about you?"

"I'm in my fourth year,"

"What school do you go to?"

"I used to Beauxbatons, but now I go to Hogwarts,"

"Do you want to be friends?" Ezra said randomly making me laugh lightly.

"Sure," I smiled to him. He replied back the gesture and we started watching the match.


"That was wicked!" I said to my cousin after we came back from the match.

"It's a shame that the Bulgarians lost," Em reminded me but I shrugged it off.

"I could imagine what my friend would be doing right now," I said picturing Ron sulking or arguing with Fred and George, who I caught dancing a jig.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I heard an ear piercing scream. I ran outside of the tent and stood frozen, making sure I was seeing right. I stood still as Deatheaters raced around shooting spells out of thief wands. I raced back into the tent

"Grab a jacket and a pair of shoes!" I said frantically.

"Ave, what wrong?" Odette asked me. She opened h mouth to remind me about my hair which I knew had gone blonde which meant I was starting to freak out.

"Just do as I say!" I shouted grabbing my wand. "Meet me in the forest heart," I said to them before zooming out. People screamed all around me and ran as fast as they could.

"AVERY!" I heard some one shout. I looked beside me and saw Ezra. "Take my hand!" He shouted and I did as what I was told. We raced in and out through people.

"I have to go to the forest heart!" I shouted. He nodded and we both ran faster. As soon as we lost the noises coming from behind, I look back and I tripped. Ezra came back to me to help. He grabbed me by the arm and we went back to running into the forest. When we reached the heart, Ezra fell backwards against a tree, breathing out heavy breaths.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I knelt beside him, taking very calm breaths. I was used to running fast when I'm a werewolf so I was fine with running fast. Ezra nodded.

Seeing and hiding- sequel to 'Daughter of the Werwolf,'Where stories live. Discover now