10- the pack

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"THOSE TWO ARE STUBBORN!" I cried into my arms during Herbology. I sat next to Hermione and she nodded in agreement. We were talking about Ron and Harry who still haven't talked in ages. They're best friends, WHY can't they get over it. I gave harry the letter the other day when he started getting angry at me and I quickly went to my next class

"Well, boys are just like us girls," she laughed lightly while professor sprout dismissed the class.

"Um, Ms Lupin, Dumbledore wants to see you," Professor Sprout told me while I exited the greenhouse. I nodded.

"I'll meet you in history of magic," I told Hermione before wandering off the way to Dumbledore's office. When I arrived, there was a large gargoyle standing in front of the stairs that lead up to his office.

"Crystal Cubes," I heard a voice come from behind me. I looked and saw Dumbledore. "Hello Avery,"

"Hello Professor. You wanted to see me?" He nodded.

"I must speck to you, but It must be behind closed doors," I nodded and followed him up the staircase. He opened his door and we both walked in. "As you know you are a Werewolf,"

"Of course professor,"

"And sometimes there are packs," I stood frozen.

"Professor.........please do not tell me,"

"I'm sorry Avery..... But there has been a sighting of a large pack of werewolves and their not like you," I nodded. Werewolf packs and Lone werewolves like I am along with dad did not mix.

"Well.......Does anyone else know?"

"I'm the only one Avery. Now I have a special task for you. next full moon, I need you to find them, investigate them or something like that. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes Professor," I told him with sad eyes. I hated packs, their so arrogant and...... UGH! There just...... It's hard to explain.

"You may go now," I ran out of his office and straight to history of magic


"When's the first task?" Hermione asked Harry. He just shrugged. We were in the library and Harry and Hermione were helping me find books about the old packs.

"Found any yet?" I asked them searching the book self. I looked at them and they both shook thief heads.

"What's so bad about ............ Packs?" Harry asked.

"Packs are dangerous, once your in, you can't get out. Of course you can get traded-"

"They trade?!" Hermione asked shocked.

"They even trade their own children for better wolves,"

"Are you guys different from those in the packs?" She asked.

"Last year, you saw what me and dad looked like. These werewolves just turn into wolves. My father and I are called Lones, for we are family and not a pack," I said lowering my voice. "Stupid packs, thinking there all that, stupid gits!"

"What happens if your dad or you get into a pack?" Harry asked as we took a seat at a table.

"Lones are what every pack wants. Of course there are lots of Lones out there. But they're hidden or in disguise," I lifted my head from the book I was reading. "No matter what happens this year, all of my friends need to still be my friends,"

Seeing and hiding- sequel to 'Daughter of the Werwolf,'Where stories live. Discover now