12- nightmares

742 37 9

Ginny's POV.


I woke up in a flash and saw Avery lying in her bed, twisting and turning. "HELP ME PLEASE!" She screamed. I quickly got out of my bed and woke her up.

"AVERY, WAKE UP!" I shouted at her, shaking her. After a minute of shaking, she finally woke up. "You okay?"

Avery lifted her head and looked at me with a said smile. "Sorry,"

"Lets get you to Madame Promprey," I said helping her off the bed.

Avery's POV

I woke up to the sound of grown ups muttering.

"It's dangerous, Dumbledore, There is no way I'm going to let my daughter, even though I was a troublemaker and rule breaker myself, I'll refuse to let my daughter fight the war of Lones!" I heard a very familiar voice shout.

"Mum......?" I slowly got out, widening my eyes to make sure. Mum looked around and smiled,

"Hello Ave, how are you," she smiled to me before kissing my forehead.

"I feel sick. Where's Dad?"

"His at home, very ill though from the full moon,"

"Hello Avery, I hope your feeling alright," I heard Dumbledore kindly say taking a seat next to my mothers. I nodded.

"Why am I exactly in here for?" I asked puzzled.

"Last night, after the full moon, you went back to your room.....and Ginny....you woke her up because you were talking in your sleep,"

"So? A lot of people do that," I shrugged.

"Not for you Ave..........when......how can I explain this?" My muttered the last bit.

"Tonks, let me try to explain it," Dumbledore told mum who nodded with a tear coming down her right cheek. It was rare when mum cried.

"What's wrong? Am I in danger? Is it dad? DAD!!!!!" I asked before getting out of the hospital bed running to the door.

"AVERY NO!" Mum screamed as I opened the door. As soon as they flung open, I felt my body swell up with pain.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed falling onto my knees and letting the blurry sight take over.

++++++++a minute later+++++++++

"Ave, it's alright," I heard mum voice say. I opened my eyes and I looked up. The glare of the windows were burning my eyes.

"Ouch," I said before sitting up again.

"You alright Avery?" Dumbledore asked.

"What was that thing......" I asked confused still aching with pain.

"Avery, you are suffering from pack streak, I'm guessing you know what that is,"

I nodded. Pack streak was something that Lones got when packs were around. The first signs are the howls of pain in your thoughts and the dizziness.

"I never had it, but I know about it,"

"Well, when you get pack streak, you grow vulnerable in your sleep, and for you Avery, can lead you a life full of anxiousness. It also blocks you out from others,"

"So that's what happen before," I said understanding. Dumbledore nodded. But then I suddenly realised something. "Do I have to stay in the hospital wing........until the school year ends?" I asked looking out side the window and seeing first years going to their care for magical creatures lessons.

"No, thankfully, you won't have to as long as you've got the Wolfsbane in your system and your wand because its got werewolf claw in it,"

I nodded. "Can I please get to class? I need to get good grades," I pledged which mum gave me an usual look. "Grades equals Auror mum," I told her in a duh tone. Mum chuckled lightly.

"I'll give you permission to go to the library," Dumbledore told me. "But you must come back here before you go to dinner and bed," he explained. I nodded. "Do you have your wand?"

"No....I don't-"

"Try under the pillow Ave," mum told me. I slipped my hand underneath my pillow and grabbed hold of my wand.

"Look at that, now I do," I laughed. "I'm going to go and get some lunch, then I'll go straight to the library," I promised as I got out of bed and drink the Wolfsbane that was next to my bed. I was desperate so I drank half the bottle then I rushed out of the hospital wing to the great hall, where I saw Livinia was.

"Oh, look here, it's the lunatic....did you hear that Lupin, LUNA-TIC," she spat the last word.

"Don't Worry Livinia, i don't have to worry about being myself, all I have to do is just be you," I smirked at the wide mouth expression on her face and walked to seat next to Luke was.

"Hey buddy," Lucifer welcomed me as I sat down. "How was last night?"

"Well, guess what's on Hogwarts grounds?" I asked him in a low voice.


"Packs. The legend pack," I added angrily as I grabbed some bread. Luc looked at me with a shock.

"How'd you know?"

"Well luc, what I did was turn myself in a dog and watched them come out and play," I said sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny," he also in return sarcastically laughed. I looked around the great hall and saw Livinia sitting with Fleur and some of their friends. I watched as she grabbed some red drink and started taking sips out of it.

"Do you want to see something funny happen to Livinia?" I asked him. Luc looked over at Livinia and smiled evilly.

"Go your hardest,"

And with that, I looked at the cup in Livinia's hand and focused on it. The cool thing about werewolf/wizards is that we can do magic with our thoughts.

"Communiuet Autem," I whispered and watched as the cup shatter in her hands, making the red drink go all over her school robes and some of the others. I laughed as all of them began to curse in French then stormed out of the castle, where Ezra came in. I waved at him and he came over to me.

"Hey Ave," Ezra smiled to me.

"Hello. What's you been up to?" I asked him



I'VE FINALLY UPDATED (cue streamers, good music and lots of glitter)

I've missed you guys sssssooooooooooooo much! Now..... THANK YOU FOR THE 715 READS, 38 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS!

Today's question (12th February 2014 Thursday)

Do you like Livinia?


Anyways, next Tuesday is my birthday and I'm so excited. The only gift I want from you guys and maybe a couple of votes, reads and just a nice comment :)

You don't have to if you don't want to....


Thanks always for voting/commenting/recommending/adding to your reading list-library and etc.







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