5- back on the train

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"I'll miss you two," I said to my parents as I waited to board the train back to school. I hugged both of them.

"We'll miss you too," mum said hugging me in return.

"Make sure your good this year," dad told me and gave me a kiss on my head. "You best be off now," dad said. I nodded and said my final goodbyes and stepped aboard on the train. I walked down one of the carriages for a bit then arrived at a carriage stall with a very familiar red headed girl sitting their.

I slid the door opened and was greeted by another two pairs of eyes. "Hi Avery," Ginny said letting me into carriage stall. "Avery, this is Neville, I don't think you've formally met," she said. Neville smiled at me shyly.

"Hey, Neville, how's your nan?" I asked.

"She's good," he said quietly.

"And this is Sharona Levinge, she's in Ravenclaw," I looked at Sharona. She had very pale grey eyes and long silvery blonde hair. At first I thought it was Malfoy in disguise.

"You can call me Shar," she said holding out her hand. I shook it in return. Yep, this is definitely not Malfoy in disguise.

"You can call me Ave," I said to Shar. She smiled and went back to her book.

"So, tell me about that Ezra guy you were telling me about," Ginny whispered.

"We're only friends, that's it," I smiled to her. She just laughed. I looked at Shar and Neville who were also laughing.

"Um.... Ave, look at your hair," Ginny said before laughing harder. I grabbed some of my hair and put it in front of my face. It was very badly coloured hair, With different colours which didn't go together. I quickly thought abut something else which made my hair colour white. "Can I talk to you in private for a couple of seconds?" Ginny asked me. I nodded and we stepped out of the stall. Ginny grabbed me by the wrist and walked me down to the end of the carriage where I saw three people. Ginny knocked and slid the door open, shoving me in, making me land face first on the floor.

"Avery!" I looked up and saw Harry,Ron and Hermione standing over me. "You right?" Ron asked. I helped myself up and sat on the seat.

"Sorry Ave," Ginny said seating down.

"It's okay, so why am I here?"

"We were just wandering......... About you know," Harry told me. It took me a while to figure out what he meant but I got it in the end.

"I'm fine, the last one I had was a couple of days before the cup,"

"Do you have your potion?" Hermione asked. I nodded and took out a small velvet pouch and grabbed a potion bottle out of it. The vile was filled with a purplish greyish substance called Wolfsbane and had smoke coming out of it


"Wait your having it now?!" Ron asked before I had it.

"Your right. I'll wait till the trolley lady comes," I smiled and placed the lid back on it.

"So, Did anyone meet anyone new?" Hermione asked.

"Avery did," Ginny said sitting over to me and nudging me. I rolled my eyes.

"His only a friend!"

"Oh, it a HE. Tell you what, he hurts you and Harry and i will hurt him," Ron said showing off his fake muscles.

"Ezra is very nice. I wouldn't be surprised if you actually became friend with him," I told all four of them. "And I only like him as a friend,"

"What school does he goes to?" Harry asked me.

"Drumstrings and his in his fifth year if you want to know,"

"He likes girls in years younger then him," Ron said cheekily. Unexpectedly, I jumped over to where Ron is and put my wand to his mouth. He gulped. It must be close to the next moon because when this happens, it means it's normally close to a full moon.

"I know a spell to make you shut up," I said. I got up and laughed at the faces I saw from all of them. "I wasn't ACTUALLY going to hurt him," I said before sitting down.


After talking a couple of minutes, the trolley lady came. "Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked the stall. Harry, Ron and I got up and took some money out.

"I'll have a packet of drebbles and a Licource wand," Ron said before realising how much money there was. "I'll just have the drebbles," he said handing the lady the money and sitting back down.

"Hello Ms Lupin," the lady said remberong my face.

"Can I please have a sherbet sucker, a cauldron cake and a pumpkins juice?" I asked as she gave me the stuff.

"How's your dad and mum?"

"Their good, but dad isn't coming back this year," I said sadly.

"Well, it's good that your back, have fun this year,"

"You too," I said to her before I went to sit down. I it the pouch out again and unscrewed the lid off, making the smoke come out of it. I grabbed the pumpkins juice and opened the lid off it as well. I quickly poured the Wolfsbane into my mouth and swallowed it. I quickly pulled a face that matched the colour of green that was now my hair colour.

"Taste bad?" Ginny guessed. I nodded.

"Taste very bad, but now for the juice," I told them before drinking some of the drink. After I was done with it, I put the empty vile in the pouch and put the lid back into the juice and out it beside me. I ripped the packet open the cauldron cake and broke it into three, to share with Hermione and Ginny.

"We better put on our robes," Hermione said after finishing some of the cake.

"I just have to go and get my robes," I told her and I walked to get them. I walked to the end stall, where I put my trunk and slid the door open. I quickly got changed into the Hogwarts clothes and put my hair in a high ponytail. I quickly walked back to carriage where I was and sat back down to see a room full of friends in their school robes.

"We're here!" I said to them happily.

"This is going to be an eventful year," I heard Harry laugh. Oh yes, what an eventful year it's going to be



sorry about this chapter, it's very very bad

So here's today's chapter!

Today's question (Tuesday 10th December 2013)


I would go to Hogwarts because...... I don't know, maybe because of DUMBLEDORE!

I hope you like this chapter because I sure didn't. Wait till next chapter, I promise it'll be good.

IM REALLY HAPPY BECAUSE THIS BOOK HAS 40 READS! Not to bad, but I would of hoped that people would recommend it to other Harry potter/ werewolf fans or just anyone who likes it. Now I'm just whining about this.... BUT IM VERY GRATEFUL FOR THE READS!

Keep Reading, commenting, voting or just being a duck

Love Maddi

Seeing and hiding- sequel to 'Daughter of the Werwolf,'Where stories live. Discover now