4- Diagon ally

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After last night scene, we went home by Portkey. When we arrived back at the Portus' house, I saw the 2 most loved people I know. My parents.

"Hello Ave," mum said before I buried myself into her arms.

"What!? No hug for dear old dad," Dad joked. I hugged him and smiled. "How was it Ave?"

"Well, we could say it was...... Eventful," I said walking with them into the guest room where I had sleep the night before last night. I grabbed my clothes that I had left there by mistake and shoved it in my bag.

"Would you like some dessert?" My aunt Lucinda shouted to all of us. We all quickly ran down to the kitchen and we waited at the table.

Tap, tap, tap. I looked over at the window and saw my owl. Dragonbreath. I unlocked the window and let my pure white owl sit on my shoulder. "Guess who came by!" I said walking back over to the table. Em stood up from her seat and went over to Dragon, who hooted happily as She patted the soft feathers.

"Dessert is served!" Uncle Xenix informed us and we were served with a strange honey soaked dish.

"Uncle Xen, what's this?" I asked inspecting the food.

"It's Baklava, my dear girl, it's from India. We got it while we were in a muggle food store," he told me. I bit into the treat and sat there on shock. It was delicious! After finishing dessert, mum said we had to leave.

"I'll see you guys soon," I said to Lucifer and Em.

"Sure," em said hugging me.

"Ave, we better get home," Mum said stepping into the fireplace. I nodded and walked over to my family. I stood inside the fireplace and held onto mum's and day's hand.

"The hut,"



"Time to get up Ave, we have to go Diagon ally," I heard my mum's voice waking me up. I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. "Get yourself ready," mum said closing the door.

After I made my bed, I chose out my clothes and got dressed. I brushed my hair then went downstairs. "I'm done," I said siting down at the table to a plate full of toast and pancakes. Dad was already there and was drinking some coffee. I heard a hoot and I knew my owl was outside, with a letter tied to his foot. I skipped over to the window and Dragon went straight to the pancakes on my plate. "Sweet tooth," I smiled to myself and got the letter from his foot.

Avery Lupin

The hut

I tore the letter and opened it up to a clean piece of parchment.

Dear Ms Avery Lupin

Here is the list for your fourth year-

The standard book of spells, Grade 4 by Miranda Goshawk

The monster book of monsters

History of magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical theory by Adabert Waffling

The intermediates guide to transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One thousand magical herbs and fungi book 4 by Phyllida Spore

Magical drafts and potions, grade 4 by Aresenius Jigger

Please be at King cross station on September 1st before 11 o clock

Thanking for attending another year at Hogwarts

Minerva McGonagall.

I slipped the letter onto the table, sending it towards mum. She looked at it and nodded. "It won't take long to get these," she said after drinking some tea. I nodded at took a piece out of a pancake. After eating some breakfast and washing my plate up using magic, I waited for mum and dad. While waiting, I sat on the couch and tapped my head with my wand. I put some hair on front of my place and watched it changed to red, black, pink, blonde, white, pale purple, blue and different colours.

"Are you ready yet?!" I shouted to them. They walked out and nodded.

"Oh Ave, you look good," she said. I didn't notice that my hair looked like fire, red at the top, orange at the middle and yellow on the tips.

"Lets go,"


"Where do we have to go first?" I asked dad.

"We better go get your books first," he replied in a duh tone. I laughed at my father and nodded.

I heard my mum laugh under her breath saying "I don't have one child, I have two," we walked through the crowd of Hogwarts students with their school robes on. As I stepped into the store, I saw a red headed girl flung herself at me.

"Ave, your mother and I have to do something quickly, meet us out the front of Ollivander's, while your here, grab your books," dad said before ditching me alone with the red head.

"Avery!" She squealed. I recognised that voice. It was none other then Ginny Weasley.

"Hello Ginny, did you have fun at the match?"

"Sure did," she said but then whispered "except for the night," we both lightly giggled and we walked around the book store.

"What do you need?" She asked me. I handed her the note and she nodded. "Sucks to be in fourth year," she sighed, grabbing a book for me.

"Well, you've got to be in it next year," I giggled lightly to her. We grabbed the rest of the books, except for history of magic, magic theory and monster book of monsters. I placed it into to the counter and the lady gave me the price. I handed her the money and walked out of the shop, a bundle of books in my arms.

"Do you want to wait with me at Ollivander's?" I asked Ginny as I sat down on a bench. She nodded and sat beside Avery. They talked about school, holidays and how their families were going.

"So......did you meet any boys yet?" Ginny asked nudging me playfully.

"Actually, I made a friend at the qudditch cup,"

"What's his name?"

"Ezra and we are only friends,"

Ginny nodded with a very funny grin on her face. I lightly laughed and waited till mum and dad got back. We just continued to sit there until Ginny chimed up "hello Professor Lupin," I looked behind me and saw mum and dad.

"Hello Ginny," Dad smiled

"Hello Mrs Lupin," she smiled to mum.

"Hello Ginny, Im sorry but Avery, we have to go home," she said helping taking some of the books.

"I'll see you on the train," I said hugging her goodbye and left with mum and dad.



that's my word! Okay sorry if this isn't a very good chapter!

Okay so I have been filling my energy with

-3 sherbet sticks (small)

-2 ice blocks (bubblegum)

- and a small ice coffee.

Sooooooooo I'm very hypo :{)

Okay today's question (Thursday 6th December 2013)


I'm sorry it's not Harry potter related, but I love the hunger games!

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