15- Celebrating and my 2nd fight part 2

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(Sorry it's short)

I made sure my face was fully covered and I plunged at one of the men who screamed but was silenced when I did the usual 'killing -people-with-wolf-magic-as-casual-as-you-can' act and his body turned into silver dust. 1 down, four to go. 2 of the others turned into their wolves and plunged at me, one taking a bite in my arm

"AHHHHHH! YOU SHOULDN'T OF DONE THAT!" I screamed. "FILPENDO!" The wolf was sent flying backwards into a tree. the other 2 wolfs charged at me, but I punched them both in the mouth. Once one was on the ground, knocked out, I put my hand over their mouth and tapped the side of their head sending all 5 men into a meeting with Death. I pressed myself up against a tree, looking down at the wound. My skin was covered in crimson red and it was not a pretty sight. As I caught my breath, I heard some strange sound and the sound of people running.

"THERES A LONE! THERES A LONE!" Was all that I heard before I took of running.

"Oh, look who's back, the stupid, foul lone girl, Avery!"

I collapsed to the ground, the pain going through my head like a million knives. I tried to silence my screams but it hurt so bad. I got up again and started running faster.

"You think you can run?"

"LOOK WHAT IM DOING NOW!" I screamed at the back of my mind. The pain was unimaginable but it was happening. There was a deep chuckle which made my eyes start pouring tears.

"Silly girl, silly girl," the voice tutted. I covered my head with both hands. I knew it wouldn't do anything, but it was a natural instinct. I started running faster and faster cause I could here voices on my trail. I ran out of the forbidden forest and straight to Hagrid's hut.

I started pounding on the door.

"HAGRID LET ME IN! PLEASE HAGRID! ITS AVERY!" I shouted. I took a step back and the door opened and when it opened a crack, I ran straight inside. I sat in a chair and curled into a ball, tears streaming down my face.

"Avery, what's the matter?" Hagrid asked.

"Please get Dumbledore or McGonnagall," I begged. He nodded.

"Come with me," Hagrid told me, myself in an upset mess.

+++++++10 mintues later++++++

"Oh Ms Lupin, what happened?" McGonnagall asked me when I arrived.

"Dumbledore sent me to the forest for the pack . Then their was this voice in the back of my mind. It hurt like hell and it wouldn't leave me alone," I told her with a shaky voice. "I don't want to face them alone," I cried in the seat.

"I'm going to talk to Dumbledore tommorow. Till then, lets get you to the hospital wing deary. Oh and here, have some of this,"

She passed me a vile of blue liquid. "What is it?"

"You don't need to worry what it is called. You just need to drink it," She smiled. I took the lid of the vile and held the vile to my lips and let the blue liquid seep down my throat. "Now come along. Best get you to Hospital wing," she said before leaving the room, me behind her.

We finally got to the Hospital wing and Madame Promprey was there already. "Goodness what happen to you Ms Lupin?" She asked worried.

"Pack streak I reckon," I told her quietly. I sat on one of the beds and laid down.

"Now Ms Lupin, I want you to stay in here, is that understood?"

I nodded, And with that, McGonnagll left the room.

"Avery....is that you?"

I looked to the left side of my bed and I saw Ezra sitting there, a rag held to his nose. "What happen to you?" I asked him. He chuckled and sent me a friendly smile.

"Me and some of my friends decided to try some of those Weasel sweets....."

I looked at him wide eyed. "You did what?!" I asked him. "What one did you get?' I asked him.

"Never-ending nose bleed. And trust me, it never ends," he laughed.

"But is it stopping?"

He shrugged. "The nurse said it'll finish soon. Anyways why are you here?" He asked. I looked away. "It's alright, you don't have to tell me," Ezra smiled.

"I'll promise I'll tell you one day. I'll make sure of it,"

"So are you going to the 2nd round next?" Ezra asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe yes maybe no, but trust me, I really don't want to see my friend be bait again," I told Ezra and he laughed. "Why you laughing?" I asked confused.

"Oh, sorry, it's just this one time, my brother was being mean to me one day so I decided to tie him up to a bridge and told him he better be good,"

I laughed. "How old were you?"

"It actually happened in the school holidays,"

That made me laugh harder which made Ezra join in. I miss these moments sometimes, laughing with friends. We stopped after 5 minutes because we heard someone clear their throat. I looked back at the door and saw Professor Dumbledore, with clear worry on his face.

"Avery, are you alright?" He asked concerned but calmly. I nodded and he then looked at Ezra, "May I please take Avery out into the hallway as we have some matters to discuss?"

Ezra nodded. "Of course,"

I got off the bed and followed Dumbledore out but when he got to the door, he tuned and whispered, "have you got your wand?" And I nodded in reply. He opened the doors and I followed him into the corridor.

"What happen this evening?" He asked me.

"I killed 5 men, but when I was finish, I heard voices. Look, professor Dumbledore, I need my father to be here, I need to ask him questions," I pleaded

"I'll send him a letter, but you Miss Lupin, should staying in the hospital wing tonight. I'll talk to you in the morning," and with that he left me there.

Thanks Dumbledore! Note the sarcasm



I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG! As you all know I wanted to dis continue with the book, but I couldn't let you down, but I won't be updating as much as it took me a whole month to write this as I'm not as into it as i was when I first started.

Anyways today's question

(12th October 2014 Sunday)

What's your favourite Avery moment?

I,for one, Don't have a favourite because anything what Avery has ever done has been quiet amusing

Thanks for voting, commenting and reading



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