8- Full moons and the champions

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"You ready dear?" Madame Promprey asked me. I nodded, but inside, I was going to be lonely because I used to transform with Sirius. Maybe I should write him a letter. "I'll be here to get you at six," she told me before leaving me alone in the shrieking shack. When my father was here as a student at Hogwarts, he would always transform with his friends who were animgaus, now, I stay in the shack for full moons while dad used to stay in his office.

"Thank god, I thought she'd never leave," a voice came from the darkness. I turn around and saw a smiling Sirius. He had his ripped Azkban clothes on and his hair was a mess. "What? No hug for me?" He asked. I ran up to and gave him a hug.

"I was wandering about you," I told him. "Would you like some food?" I asked him because he looked terribly thin. He nodded furiously.

"How's your dad? Still the best teacher?"

"Um...... Dad resigned because of, well, because of professor-"

"Greasy Snape. We used to call him that," Sirius laughed as I handed him a piece of pumpkin pastie. "Oh, I have to give you something," he said searching frantically through his robes, until he finally got out a letter which he gave to me. "Give this to Harry," he said and I put it in my pocket.

"So, how's Buckbeck?"

"Wait, how did YOU know about that? Apparently you were in a comy or coma whatever those muggles call it," he asked surprised.

"Well, Sirius I believe you mean COMA, and when your knocked out for three days, you kind of want to know what happen with everyone,"

"Buckbeck's in the forest, let him have a bit of freedom," he said. Suddenly, I felt pain struck through my body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. Sirius suddenly turned into a dog and waited. "Try not to get caught,"


"How ya feeling?" Sirius asked after my pain filled night of being a werewolf.

"I'm bloody brilliant," I said sarcastically. Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes. I grabbed my vile filled with the Wolfsbane potion and drank all of it in one hit. As I held the vile in one hand, I looked at the scar on it. Last year, when I was in werewolf mode, I cut myself on something. That's just one of the things I need to be careful when I'm a werewolf. As the Wolfsbane went down my throat, I felt something push it upwards. Making me be sick.

"Here, have some of this," Sirius handed me a vile of water. I quickly drank some of it and sat down on a rock.


"Just remember it. Only a year ago, after our transformation, you were about to bite my head off," he said mentioning the memory. I laughed.

"That's true," I said facing the to the pathway where Madame Promprey was coming. "Sirius, you have to go," I warned him. He nodded and he quickly transformed into his black dog and raced off into the darkness. After a couple of seconds later, Madame Promprey was helping me up.

"Lets get you back to the hospital dear,"

+++++++++++++++++++ the next day++++++++++++++++++++

"Are you going to go tonight?" Ginny asked while I was getting dressed into my school robes. I nodded.

"That's why I'm in my robes," I smiled. "Who'd you think well be Hogwarts champion?"

"I actually don't know," Hermione announced.

"I reckon it should be Angelina," I stated. "It would be awesome for Hogwarts to have a girl school champion let alone being in Gryfinndor,"

"We better get going," Ginny said as we walked downstairs and out of the Gryfinnodr common room.

"Avery! Ginny!" Terri shouted. She ran over to us and tagged along. "I can't wait till the announce the champions," she said excitingly.

"So can't I," I laughed. We finally reached the great hall, when Terri had to go sit at the Ravenclaw table, Hermione, Ginny and I sat at Gryfinndor.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted making us look at him. "Tonight is the night we announce the school champions. Lets get started shall we?" He asked. The candle's fires blew out making the goblet's fire look more grander. As quick as a flash, a tiny bit of parchment flew out of the cup.

"The Drumstrings champion is....................... Viktor Krum!" There was a loud round of applause as Viktor walked away from the Slytherin table and to the side where he was lead to a room. "The Beauxbatons champion is....................... Fleur Delcour!"

I clapped for Fleur as she made her way to the room. Over at the Ravenclaw table I saw Livinia crying along with another girl. 'That serves her right' I smiled darkly into my thoughts.

"Our final champion for Hogwarts is.......................... Cedric Diggory!" There was a massive out burst from the hufflepuff table. I did cheered for him because he was the school champion. Cedric smiled and walked to the room where the other two champions were. "Congratulations, to the school champion!" Dumbledore congratulated but stopped and looked at the back of the hall, where the goblet was alit. That must of meant that there was another school champion. 'But that's possible!' I thought. A bit of parchment flew into the hands of Dumbledore and he stood there frozen. The next thing I knew I will never forget.

"Harry potter?"



So you've finally read a chapter with Avery being a werewolf in it. So Harry's the school champion (that's isn't a surprise really).

So today's question (Sunday 15th December 2013)


I'd vote for Harry, because I like to be mainstreamed

So to all my New South Wales friends (Australia) only 3 more days till school finishes. 3 MORE DAYS! Not long till Christmas

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting



Seeing and hiding- sequel to 'Daughter of the Werwolf,'Where stories live. Discover now