"Y-y-you killed him!" a distraught Samth spurted.
A calm and cool Espex stood looking at her while he rubbed his long purple hair back with his right seal gloved hand. "Don't worry, He will be revived. We Title Mage always fight to the death."
"How can you be so calm about this?" Her skinny faced flushed with anger and panic, Eyes wide like a rabbit spotting a hound.
"Calm down. As you can see we are in an area filled with many a great Mage. He will be revived shortly." His glowing purple eyes uncaring looked into Samths big blue ones. "Now it's your turn, Get on the stage and show them your power."
"I don't want to die!" tears started forming under her big eyes. "I only know the light spell and the stance to wind spells." She sobbingly spoke.
"I believe in you, the person you are fighting is a No-rank like yourself." He placed his hand on her seal skin top and spoke "Don't worry if anything gets out of hand I will jump in ok?" Rubbing the tears from her face she nodded. "Oh and Grix you can't go." The small clothed blue animal slouched over in disappointment and jumped from Samths cosy skinny shoulder to Espex big bulky one. It turned to her and waved with its gloved 3 fingerers. Samth gave Espex the colourful backpack then waved back to Grix and approached the ring. Grix turned to Espex and barked. "I know your worried Grix. I am too...but if she doesn't win here she cannot come with me. For after this we will enter the Kingdom of Fious."
The spokesman was in the centre of the stage once more his balding head and thick beard ever present. "Ladies and Gentleman, What a last match that was as with all Title fights it ended with a death but have no fear a crack team of revive Mage are getting good old Crazy eyes Fredic back with us living. Now onto maybe not as big or better but defiantly future! Two Non-ranked Mage. They will fight it out for one of the few Mage ranks, for the new Mage in the building they are as follows. No-rank, Novice, Deha and finally the highest honour from the Arch-Mage himself a Title of custom." Waving his hand to the left of the arena "In this corner we have Xoit from the northern village of Yuip!" A large middle aged man walked onto the stage he wore a large woollen robe that covered his neck down exposing nothing of his under clothes. His skin was a pale white not as ghostly as Espex but not as bright as Samths. Large bags hung deep under his brown dopey eyes. His hair was non-existent as he was completely bald, like a perfect egg. His smile would have broken a hundred mirrors as his teeth or what was left of them where of a close colour of yellow the rest a dry brown. "And in the other corner we have a wild card. Found in the village of Poewels by none other than The Demon Walker himself. I introduce Samth the No-rank." The crowd went mental the Demon Walker taking an apprentice this was huge. Samth could not help herself but smile with her big red lips and straight white teeth at the applause and attention. Grix on Espex shoulder was barking and clapping the loudest even only at barely a cat tall. "Now Begin!" Jumping out of the way and of the arena the presenter disappeared.
Taken back by the attention and sudden announcement of battle Samth stood unprepared. Xoit moved first his large robe flaying behind him. He clasped his hands together one facing up the other down. "Invocar El Aqua!" Water burst out of his large dirty mouth and sprayed the ground.
"Shit he knows water mana, Samth you better move or this will be over.....then I must leave you." Espex said silently.
Samth stood watching the ground below fill with water that spewed out of Xoit's dirty mouth. Think, She needed to stop his water but with what? She slapped her hands together to form a prayer like Espex had taught her, "This is my only hope don't let me down Grix," Mana surged through her body from the books Samth had read, for wind Mana must leak out and circle around the body in a spiral. She thought hard and did so and spoke the mana words. "Tergum Manus Ventum!" Her words loud and full of hope.
"Grix you idiot why teach her that!" Espex shouted only to get a happy bark in reply.
"Wow Ladies and Gentleman! This is Demon Walkers apprentice all right we are about to see the wind wall!"
All the people in the crowd clasped their hands and hit the ground screaming in sync "Idaina Toitsu Dorui!" Great chunks of earth flew up creating a large wall encircling the arena.
Xoit tried to chant another spell to get the water into effect but was lost. A great unseen force spewed from the skinny small seal clothed woman. The wind so fierce and sharp it flung poor Xoit back into the newly formed earth wall water as well. The audience hair and clothes flapped everywhere, While Samth stood in the middle unaffected like it was a clear calm day. The earth walls shook and crumbled a little. Xoit lost consciousness as he hit the wall and was out. Samth saw this and cancelled the spell.
"Emm....I think I win?!" a nervous Samth shouted.
The walls around the arena slowly crumbled back into the ground. As it slowly went back the crowd cheer moved down from the people who could see to thoughts who could not.
"We have a Winner! Samth the No-rank!"
Espex stood clapping as did Grix and everyone else in the area.
"Well done Samth you did very well I am proud!" Espex shouted to her Grix gave loud barks of joy. "Oh and Grix we will be having words about teaching Samth top tier mana words." But a thought also went through his head, he really did find a prodigy as a student.
Samth stood red in the face at all the applause and cheer. This was the scared and happiest day of her life after Espex inviting her from the tavern and village.
The announcer stood up on stage to grab Samths small white hands. He held them up above his balding head and spoke. "The Mage have decided Samth the No-rank will forever be known as Samth the Novice!"
A smile spread across her pure face, the crowd cheered even louder.

Espex The Demon Mage. (1)
FantasyEspex a wondering mage of unique proportions has seen it fit to take on an apprentice in the form of a young woman named Samth. He is taking her along with him around the great nation of Skov teaching her magic along the way. Whilst doing this Samth...