The End

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Louisa Lloyd

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Louisa Lloyd

The demons I left behind still haunt me today. It's day number five away from Beacon Hills and this is the second Omega I find wondering around the silent forest I took shelter in.

They tend to assume I'm just a lonely and defenseless Omega like many others they've found along their path. They couldn't be more wrong. Just the fact I know how to transform a simple stick into a deadly weapon should be a sign I'm someone you don't want to mess with.

His blood is still stains my already dirty red dress along with my cold skin. The amount of times I tried to go back is frightening. It the thought of a wand shower and meal take my mind to places I can't let it wander to.

Four days since a contact with a sane human being.

Ever since I became an Omega- because let's face it, in an Omega now, I left my pack- I have been feeling very lonely and sad inside. Call it the need to be around people; call it the need to be with the guy you like and your friends. Call it homesick. Whatever you want to call it, I'm feeling it right now.

"Damn..." I curse as my hand lands in the hard rocks beneath my feet.

This new one is giving me a hard time. He is definitely better than the rest of them.

His right hand collides with chest and he sends me flying over the small tent I built. Luckily, it's still intact. As the man laughs maniacally I take it as my chance to catch him off guard and surprise him with a punch in the gut.

That's exactly what I do but the result isn't what I expected. 

He anticipates my movements and grabs me by the shoulders, shaking me like a rag doll.

"Don't mess with me, little girl." He taunts as his hands travel south and a gasp leaves my partially opened mouth.

"I'm not a little girl." Slamming my hands on his chest and face, his smile disappears and his hood almost falls back, but he quickly pulls it forward, not an inch of his face uncovered.

Landing on his back, he snarls, waving his clawed hands around dangerously. I laugh at his pathetic attempt to evoke fear in me.

Smashing my feet against his nose, and then my claws on his chest, his arms lose their enthusiasm and he falls back again, his body limp on the floor.

"Let this be a lesson." I sneer, blood dripping from my hands. "Don't mess with me. And don't call me little girl."

I grab my bag, where I keep what I brought with me, and take down the shelter I built with so much love and dedication. Smirking down at the passed out figure of the dumb Omega, I laugh at his position, with his arms around his head and one of his legs is certainly broken.

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