Chapter 11

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Pastel Shades

Ghazal jotted few notes and glanced outside at the night sky which was painted with shimmery stars. Glancing at the sky always made her calm, just like it gave her some silent message that there would be someone above it, caring for her, looking after her. She had just finished her thanks prayer, it was only her Lord's mercy that Ghazal was sitting in her house safe and fine. Yes, she was late for the thanks, as the day before she was so scared that Ghazal was unable to think properly.

Closing her notebook, a card peeking through the papers attracted her attention. It was given by Haaris's grandmother, Mrs. Rabiya Hassan. Today when she got fainted, Mrs. Hassan came to know about the condition she was living in by Neha. Ghazal was upset with Neha as she didn't want anyone to find about her life without her consent, but Mrs. Hassan hadn't left any option for Neha but to spill the beans.

A sound of crying forced her to left the chair. Ghazal fixed the white dupatta on her head and leave her room to find Adam crying and her sister-in-law standing in front of him, yelling.

"You moron, I just had cleaned this floo-"


Ghazal interrupted, carefully taking Adam in her arms. Adam was now weeping, hiding his face behind his small hands. Floor was covered with spilled milk, surely done by Adam.

"Tell your son to learn some manners."

Her sister-in-law was now furiously talking to Ghazal who was busy in consoling Adam. Redness could be seen on Adam's cheek that meant she had slapped him. Ghazal's anger was boiling and she could burst out, only she knew how she was calming herself.

"He's just a kid, Bhabhi."

"Don't give that excuses, Ghazal. All day I have to keep up with you and your useless son. It would be good if you and Adam had too died-"

Ghazal didn't give a chance to her to speak any further by slapping hard on her cheek.

"Bhabhi, just shut up. You can say anything to me but I will not tolerate a word against my son."

She left the kitchen, leaving shocked looking Ghani, his wife and her own father who was beyond embarrassed to look Ghazal in her eyes.

Ghazal made Adam sit on the bed and took her seat beside him. Adam's face was still hidden behind his hands.

"Adam, won't you talk to Ma?"

In return, Adam shook his head. "Is Adam upset with Ma?", again a shake of head.

Ghazal pursed her lips to stop the smile. She slowly moved her fingers on Adam's stomach and began to tickle resulting a fit of giggles from Adam.

"Aw, my baby."

She put him in her lap, "You know, I have something for you."


Adam asked, his voice still wet with tears, making Ghazal restless. Ghazal gave a tight lipped smile and extended a bar of chocolate towards him. Adam's eyes widened in happiness and he kissed Ghazal's cheek.

"Thank you sho much, Ma."

Ghazal placed a soft kiss on the crown of Adam's head, who was now busy in devouring the chocolate bar. She definitely needed to leave this place as soon as possible.



aaris moved a boring glance around the room and took a long sigh. Only five days were remaining then he would be out of this place, forever and ever. Ah, he could do whatever he wanted to do, without any restrictions and without any silly glarings.

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