Chapter 38

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Ghazal moved her shivering fingers over the bangles her mother-in-law had gifted her a few hours earlier when she got to know about the good news her daughter-in-law was about to give them. She was feeling giddy with happiness from inside, maybe it was Allah's way of pulling her married life to track, maybe after knowing about the new addition in their lives Farzan would begin to acknowledge her as his wife.

The door opened with a thud, revealing her husband who was away from his senses, so much that he was hardly keeping himself balanced. Ghazal left her place from the bed and was on his side in an instant. Though Farzan shoved her hands of help away from him she helped him to come up to bed.

"W-hat y-ou wa-nt to say woma-n?"


Her mere query ignited his anger as he with a jerk crashed the flower pot on the floor. "Are yo-u deaf or wh-at? Am-ma said you wil-l tell me so-methin-g. Say."

Ghazal twisted her fingers in agitation, there was a sort of shyness, fear in her to share this big news with her husband.

"Farzan, you are going to be a father. I'm expecting."


Ghazal moved a little back in fear at his yelling, he held her wrist stopping her movements. He stood up, his eyes seemed to be killing her only with his glare, "Who-se child is t-his? Sa-y, you fil-thy woma-n."

Ghazal's heart squeezed hearing such absurdities for herself that too from her husband, she bit her lower lip wiping the tears fully knowing how Farzan hated her tears.

"It's yours, Farzan. Please trust me, I never betrayed you."

Farzan pushed her forcefully aside, injuring her forehead as it got hit by the wall and vanished behind the washroom door leaving Ghazal empty with only self-humiliation and agony of her life.

"Assalamualaikum Nanna."

"Walaikumassalam, child. I was just about to call you."

Ghazal pursed her lips in order to stop her shivering self, as her fingers mindlessly played on the fabric flowers over her dress. Should she tell her? She was feeling kind of shy, embarrassed sharing that information but there was not anyone else who could help her in this matter except Nanna.

"Why you wanted to call?"

"Firstly you tell me, why are you sounding so low?"

Ghazal took a long sigh somewhat relaxed as always Nanna had understood her problem which would help her in sharing her doubt.

"Nanna, I am feeling kind of dizzy from the morning."

She shared her doubt, telling her about the events of the past few days when Ghazal would only feel drained out and weak, also about the vomiting of today morning.

"Let's go to the doctor. Stay in your bed until I come."

Ghazal accepted her offer before cutting the call. What if she was really expecting? What if she would be going to be a mother again? She felt a serene excitement budding inside her heart just by thinking of this, though she scolded herself for keeping expectations when nothing was sure her heart was adamant on feeling the happiness it was getting by the thoughts of motherhood.

"All will be alright."

Nanna kissed her temple when they were about to enter the doctor's cabin. The lady was nice as she thoroughly ran check-ups on Ghazal, asking about every single thing in detail, also took some tests which were necessary. She was worried to no end, what would happen. Despite she was not new to that but it was all making her kind of nervous.

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