Chapter 39

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Ghazal riled up her lower lip looking at her husband who was looking beyond lost in his thoughts, she was trying to empathize with him but failing as only her husband could understand what he was going through. But she only knew one thing, her heart was ruthlessly cutting seeing Haaris like this. He was idly standing in the balcony for straight one hour and she was continuously staring at him for the same. Ghazal was hating his slumped shoulders, his messy hair which he had tangled by moving his fingers for infinite times and she was just staring at him from the bed because Haaris didn't know she was awake, awake from the time just after they had laid on the bed for sleep. She was awake when he was tossing left and right in worry and she was awake when he had walked out of their room towards the balcony.

The reason behind his defeated posture was his dad because Haaris hadn't got an opportunity to clear out things with him. When they reached their house they came to know; Papa had gone to Delhi for two days for urgent work which came up. She could feel how Haaris must be feeling because his father had lied to him and that was the thing which had hurt him the most. If it was that Haaris which she knew from the hospital, he would have thrown tantrums, yelled at everyone. But Ghazal was forced to accept that he had changed himself over the time and that's why his silence, that speaking silence was much more lethal.

Haaris jerked from his thoughts as standing beside him, Ghazal softly kissed his cheek. Yes, she wanted to give him some time alone and that one hour was more than enough.

"Did I wake you?"

Haaris asked with a fake smile, his voice giving away his actions as it was holding the wetness of his pain, sadness and emptiness. Ghazal moved a little more closer to him, their arms brushing and intertwine their fingers together.

"I was unable to sleep."

"I don't love Azkiya, tigeress."

Ghazal questioningly looked at him, Haaris's voice had sliced down the thick silence around them. She knew because he had told her and there was a trust between them which had cemented over this period of time.

"I know Haaris. You don't need to repeat yourself in front of me."

Haaris nodded dejectedly, " You are seeing me like this, in worry because my father lied to me. You know those two years were the worst years of my life and I just wanted to die as I was a murderer, I had taken Azkiya's life."

A lone tear escaped his eye making a slimmery path from the side of his nose and dropped down as if it was never there. Ghazal pursed her lips wrapping an arm around his waist to comfort him. Marriage is that eternal bond which gives man and wife opportunities to console each other without feeling remorse or embarrassed.

"There must be some valid reason Haaris. Papa can't take this great decision for his son in vain. "

"What can be the reason that he mixed a slow poison in my life, Ghazal?"

Ghazal remained silent, he was too much hurt to look at the bright side of the decision. Haaris was stuck in his past, a past which had left him with nothing, just with a body which only craved death and pain. Looking at him, she remembered Farzan. Ghazal didn't want to remember her ex-husband because of Haaris. There was nothing similar between them but Haaris was so much torn today that she was forced to get anxious, thinking that what if Haaris returned on the path which he had left earlier.

"Haaris, I can understand what you feel." Ghazal cupped his jaw turning his face to look at her, "But promise me, you will never let your past to destroy your present and future. I have seen one man getting destroyed by his past and I don't want you to be him."

Haaris held her hand kissing the inside of her palm, nodding with a weak smile. He pulled her closer, resting his forehead on hers. His warm breath fanning on her lips, a shrill shiver ran through her body.

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