Chapter 2

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Rickey's P.O.V.

I came running downstairs and my mom was already waiting for me

She stood in the kitchen with her arms crossed tapping her foot on the ground.

"Were you talking to that girl again?"

"Yeah in fact I was, and she has and name you know?"


Her mom did this all the time she didn't liked that her daughter was more open to some stranger than her own mother.

But what she doesn't think about is that there is a reason for that....


Rickey sat down next to her mother


"Well I think it time to talk about your KuPee."

KuPee is the name for the bracelet.


I was pretty excited about my KuPee but i'd rather won't talk about it with my mother.

So I kept in my excitement and just let her talk.

"So in a few days you'll be 15 years."

"Yeah I know"

*God what is Rickey such a sass-monster*

"Well, since you will get your KuPee then i think we should talk about some things."


My mother began talking and it was like she was never going to stop, she talked about all of those stupid things like

"Don't lose it!"

*No shirt sherlock*

"You don't have to wear it all the time."

*Ok, just ok*

"If you dye your hair the color changes to."

*All those things I already know because i've been obsessing about it since i was eight. But how would you know?*

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, not at all thanks mom bye."

When she was finally ready with talking I ran upstairs and closed the door behind me.

R: Time to talk?

L: yeah sure

R: Skype?

L: yeah wait a minute i'm grabbing my laptop

I opened my laptop and opened skype.

*skype call request*


"Hi, how was your day?"

"Arg don't get me started."

"What's wrong?"

"Well my mom decided to talk about my KuPee and i got a whole awareness about it and just ugh."

"Ah, I know what you mean."

"My mom is the worse like omg kill me now please."

"My parents were like don't be sad but there is a chance you'll never meet him."

"But what if mine isn't a boy?"

"Like in a girl?"


"I don't know...?"

"Ugh there are some many questions spooking in my head and nobody knows the answer."

"ahw e poor girl."

"I know right."

"I can't wait anymore longer."

"But you just have to."

"Yeah, easy for you to say"

"I know"

We talked for hours (we always do)

When it was around 3am we decided to go to sleep.

"Just one more week Rickey"

I said to myself when I laid down on my bed staring at the sealing.

KuPee (an Michael Clifford FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now