Chapter 14

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Rickey's P.O.V.

To break the a bit a awkward silent Tyler started talking about last year again.

"So Rickey and I spend New year's eve together on a cliff eating sushi."

"You're talking about it like it was a disappointment but i enjoyed it though."

I said getting a little giggle from both of them.

We talked all night resulting with me falling asleep on Thomas.

The next morning it was time to pack and go home again, when I let the boys carry the stuff I walked behind them just looking around and enjoying the morning sun hitting my skin.

I was supposed to drive back with both of them but somehow Thomas fixed a ride. And that's how i landed in the same situation as last night, me and Tyler alone with enough silent for him to ask about IT. Why is this following me and why can't I just avoid it.

I heard him sign which wouldn't mean anything good.

"Look, i kinda get the idea you are avoiding talking to me."

I looked up at him, but said nothing so he continued.

" Especially when I start about you KuPee, is it that bad? Did something happen? I just don't understand."

I stayed silent again looking out of the window trying to find a way to response.

So here goes nothing: "Look, i know your KuPee has my hair color, and that kinda scares me, because mine has your."

The moment i said that his eyes widen and I could see him getting exciting. But i needed to set things straight so i continued.

"But there are so many people in the world having the same hair color and i think this is just


He started to think for himself, but i need to get something of my chest.

" You know i waited 16 whole years for this and not to be mean but finding out your so called soulmate is right here, is kind of a bummer i was preparing and dreaming about me traveling away from this town and exploring the world in search for someone."

"It had some kind of charm and excitement about the unknown and exploring side of it."

At this point my eyes started to tear up.

"I don't want my life to be set out for me, especially in this small town."

His expression became more understanding by the second

"I don't want to live up to expectation, like our parent always thought we would end up together, but I just always thought that an relationship between us would just ruin everything we build."

Now he seemed kinda hurt, but it's too late to back out and start talking about old times.

"And i kind of just never saw you in that way, and recently, well for the past two years i got the feeling you did towards me, which made me back of, ruining our friendship by trying to not ruin it."

"And i mean if we were supposed to end up together i'm ruining our happiness and i kind of tend to do that very often, by running away and not only ruining my own but now i'm taking you with me."

At the end my whole sight was blurry and tears when streaming down my face.

The car stopped and i felt two arms hugging around me.

"I'm just not meant to life this simple life that has been mapped out for me."


Hey, guys i've been away for a while, I'm trying to write again. I just really wanted to continue this story because i'm very excited about how it will end and how i'm going to write a whole story around this concept that has been in my head for 3 years.

Sorry for leaving you hanging for so long hope you aren't disappointed with me.

Love, Bienie

Btw, this way quit a heavy chapter, i promise the next one is not going to be so though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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