Chapter 8

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Rickey's P.O.V.

It was 6:45pm and I was getting ready for the boys to arrive.

I didn't know if they will be staying over but i brought some mattresses downstairs and laid them down in front of the tv.

I also grabbed some pillows and made an huge pillow wall.

Then i grabbed all the junk food i bought this morning and laid it down on the ground next to the mattresses.

The doorbell rang and i walked to the door.

There stood Tyler in front of it with a big smile on his face.



"Come in"

"Yeah, is was planning to."




"Hey did you guys already picked a movie to watch?" i hear Thomas say from his car he was trying to park somewhere.

"No, did you?"

"Nah not really"

"Come in"


We walked inside

"Yeah you can let your shit here." i pointed at an stool standing in the corner.

"Okay" they both said

I skipped to the wall of pillows and jumped over it landing on the mattresses.

"So which movie?" i asked

"I don't know let's take a look." Tyler responses

30 minutes later we still hadn't decided on a movie to watch

"Guys are you serious?"


"We've been arguing for an half hour which movie to watch."


"I'm choose and i choose to watch Harry Potter!"

"I'm okay with that." Thomas said

"Yeah me too."

"Thank god!"

And we started watching the movie

"Omg harry!"

"You know who."


"Ugh you're such a Potterhead" Tyler and Thomas complained

"I knowww"

We watched the full Harry Potter serie without a break

"Do you guys wanna stay?"

"Yeah sure"


We were all pretty tired but not tired enough to go to sleep

*at least I wasn't*

"So which movie are we going to watch next?" I asked


"Help meee"

They replied

"Hehe" I replied

"Let's watch the hunger games?" Thomas suggested

"Yeah good idea"

"I'm in for it but first i have to pee."

"Okay.. too much information."

I left the room to go to the toilet

Tyler's P.O.V.

"You like her don't you?" Thomas asked what made me jump a little

I just looked in front of me and I think I got a very red face.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of you know."

"I know but I think she doesn't feel the same."

"What about your KuPee?"

"Yeah I know."

"You didn't tell her did you?"

"No, that's also why i never asked her about hers since yesterday because i'm afraid."

"But what if you guys are soulmates and have to run off to the sunset together while you carry her to your future together?"

"Ohw shut up!"

I threw a pillow at Thomas and we got a little pillow fight.

We didn't notice Rickey coming in.

Then she jumped on top of us causing us to get crushed against the floor.

"Argh Rickey."

"Get your ass out of my face please."

"But i lying pretty comfortable."

We pushed her of of us and it took a moment for us to catch our breath.

Then we watched the movie.

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