Chapter 12

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Rickey's P.O.V.

I let Tyler carry the Pizza back to the tent.

When we got to the edge of the wood i started running

"The one that's as last by the tent is and Chicken!"

I began to run mostly because I wanted to avoid Tyler asking me about my KuPee.

Because this time there would be no escaping.

"Wait for me!"


I laughed while i was running towards the tent, after a while i got Tyler out of my sight.

It was a little bit dark and I tried to find the way back to the tent.

And after 10 minutes of searching I made an conclusion I was lost.

I tried walking to the lake because from there i would find it, I think.

When i found the lake I walked to the guys sitting by the fire.

I wanted to scare them so I hide behind a big tree and waited for the right moment.

I threw a rock in the bushes on the other side of the fire so there attention went to the buch.

And then i jumped away from the tree and run to the fire place.


"Oh my god, Rickey you scared the shit out of me!"

"What the hell!"

I laughed so hard at the expression on their faces they were hilarious.

"Omg guys you should see your faces!'

The Tyler's face changed in an smirk.

"But i won, you are an chicken."

"Ugh I knoww, I just got lost."

I gave him and shoulder punch and sat down between the two.

I grabbed the pizza box that was on the ground and i just started eating.

Soon it became close to midnight so we grabbed some marshmallows and started roasting them.

We sat on the ground on a row with me in the middle.

After a few minutes of silent thomas was trying to say something and Taler and I looked at him.

"I'm glad you guys are here."

"Yeah me too" I said

"I had more fun than last year." Tyler said what made me giggle

"What?Why?Did I miss something?What happened last year?" Thomas asked

He looked like a lost squirrel, it was kinda funny.


I was already laughed so hard tears came running down my cheeks.

"Shhh! Rickey i want to hear it." Thomas said

"Sorry." I said still giggling like school girl

"What let me tell it!" I almost screamed

They both turned towards me and i saw Tyler facepalming himself from the inside.

"Go ahead." he said what made me sit straight and i turned with my back towards the fire to face the two boys.


Hey guys,

I want to thank you all for reading this fan fiction, I hope you like it.

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