Chapter 4

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 A few days later it was finally Rickey's birthday she was so excited but she knew she would get her KuPee after midnight.

So she still had to wait for a few hours at it killed her.

Rickey's P.O.V.


L: i knowww

R: ugh why di i have to wait until midnight?

L: hey you had to wait for 15 years you can wait for a few more hours.


L: you're such a dork

R: i knowww

L: you have to skype me immediately when you get it okay?

R: promise

L: okay, good luck

R: thanks i need that

L:i knoww

R: (;

L: bye

R: have fun at school

L: ugh

R: Bye bye

I stepped out of bed and put on some normal closet i didn't feel like dressing up for my birthday.

I went downstairs made breakfast when I watched some video's on youtube.

Then i got a text from Tyler that first period was cancelled so i had another hour to do nothing with my life.

*as usual*

I decided to get the Fangirl out and went on the internet while setting my music very loud.

I danced in the room and jumped around while i was trying to eat a sandwich that i made.

I read some fanfics worked on my fan account and made some sketches on my math book.

Then it was time to go to school, I grabbed my bag and opened the door to almost bump into Tyler who was sitting on the porch.

"Ohw hi, you scared me i almost tripped."

"Ohw sorry i didn't mean to i just wanted to walk with you to school on your birthday."

" ahw what sweet you remembered."

"Exualy i didn't i got an hand from facebook."

"I knew it."

We both laughed

Tyler stood up and walked down the driveway to the street.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Yeah sorry i just.. Never mind"

I walked up to tyler and we walked to school

"So are you excited?"

"About what?"

"Your kuPee?"

"Yeah you know me i was excited for that moment when i wasn't even born."

"Yeah i know."



"You never told me about yours?"

"Ohw that..."

"So? What color is it?"

"Ohw nothing special."

"Seriously that's all i get?"


"Wow, thanks bro"

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