Chapter 6

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Rickey's P.O.V.

When I finally went home i layed down on my bed and grabbed my phone.

I decided to text 'thomas for defending me.

Rickey: Thanks

Thomas: so you know?

Rickey: yeah Tyler told me

Thomas: ohw

Rickey: i just really wanted to thank you for what you did

Thomas: no problem those boys are dicks

Rickey: are you hurt too?

Thomas: no Tyler got the most of it. i"ll survive

Rickey: good

Thomas; so what are you going to do about it?

Rickey: i really don't know

Thomas: why?

Rickey: I never stood that strong in my shoes to tell those boys. But...

Thomas: but what?

Rickey: well until know they only used words and i could handle it but now they are more aggressive and hurting my friends now.

Thomas: am i one of those friends?

Rickey: yeah definitely

Thomas: thanks

Rickey: i'll talk to you tomorrow

Thomas: goodbye

Rickey: thanks again

I fell asleep

11:30 pm

"Hey Rickey wake up."


"You fell asleep."

"I know I was meaning to"

"So i guess i'll give you you KuPee when you get up tomorrow?"

My eyes widened and i looked into my mothers.


"I thought so"

I grabbed and jogging pants and walked downstairs

My mother sat down on the couch next to my father and they looked at me.

I sat down as well on the other couch.


"No not that again i can't wait any more just give it okay."


She handed me an silver box

"You have to..."

She pointed at the top of it

"I know..."

"and now you..."

"I know"

"But i didn't even..."

"Trust me I know"

"Okay i'll leave you to it."

They both walked upstairs en I guess they went to bed.

I walked upstairs ass well.

I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop.

I looked if Lea was online and she was.

I immediately called her on skype

"O my god, did you get it?"

"Yeaah it's right here."

I held up the box

"And what color?"

"I don't know yet"

"Wel open it already!"

"Okay okay"


"Wow, i thought i was the impatient one of us.."

"You are, now open it!"

"I'm busy"


"Jesus calm down i'm not that fast."


We both laughed

I put my finger on the lens and the box scanned it.


"Oh my god."


"You should be!"

The box opened and ...

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