Chapter 3

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Rickey's P.O.V

I had to go to school today.


I woke up and grabbed a shirt, jeans and a flannel to wear

Put on my black all-stars and went downstairs

I grabbed an apple, my bag and walked outside.

When I took a bite of my apple someone from behind me yelled my name.

"Rickey?! Wait up?"

"Hi Tyler, what's up?"

"Nothing really."



"Not much.."

We walked to school together

"So do you want to do something after school?"

"Yeah sure like what?"

"Watch a movie?"

I'd like that."

"Cool see you after school."



Tyler's P.O.V.

I said bye to rickey and walked to my friends.

"Why do you talk to that girl." one of my friends asked

"Who? You mean Rickey?" i looked towards Rickey who walked inside of the school.

"Yeah, dude she's a nerd."

"Yeah she is." I smiled


"So what?"

"Why do you always hang out with that girl?"

"Hey, dude she's my friend!"

"I'm sorry?"

"You should be, she's my friend and if you say another bad word about her i'll"

The bell rang and we walked to class.

I was still a bit pissed about what my friends said.

Rickey's P.O.V.

Tyler is one of the popular kids, he always was.

I've known him all my live and he is been my friend since then.

He's populaire and i'm not i'm just a nerd.

I know his friends don't like me but i just have to live with that.

Tyler is actually my only real friend (except voor Lea)

I don't have a lot of friends in school.

In the lunch break i sit by myself in the library or in the corner of the cafeteria playing games on my phone or laptop.

Sometimes I sit with Tyler and his friends but that's because Tyler's asks me. I don't like sitting with him and his friends.

They always make fun of me when i'm not around i know it.

I walked in my class and isolated myself from everything and everyone.

I draw some pictures in my notebook.

I wrote some quotes I made up myself.

Just like always I did nothing useful.

After school I walked back to home alone.

I blasted music out of my earbuds so that the whole world could hear it, but i didn't care.

When i got home i didn't do anything useful ass well.

They day went by fast...

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