Charter 10

31 3 0

Rickey's P.O.V.

*Old years day*

So today Tyler, Thomas and Rickey are going camping in the woods together.

Rickey's P.O.V.

Groups app:

Rickey: so are you guys ready?

Thomas: almost

Tyler: same

Rickey: ugh i've been ready since i was born, you guys are such a girls.

Thomas: well, thank you

Tyler: ugh woman shut up

Rickey: hehe, so how late are you guys picking me up?

Tyler: yeah Thomas at what time can i count on your presence

Thomas: i don't know yet, maybe after tea time

Rickey: ugh

Thomas: hehe

Tyler: but serious now how late are you getting us?

Thomas: i think over an half an hour, is that alright with you guys?

Rickey: fine with me

Tyler: same for me

Thomas: okay

It was twenty minutes later and i decided to grab all the luggage and set them down stairs.

Off course the big failure i am i wasn't strong enough and fell a few times on the way.

So I texted Tyler so he could help me.

Rickey: so would you please come over and help me carry my luggage downstairs?

*do you want to carry heavy shit while i watch you do it?*

Tyler: ahw, is life against you again?

Rickey: yeah just like always

Tyler: poor girl i'm on my way

Rickey: thanks

A few seconds later Tyler came upstairs and looked at me.

*slightly judging me*

"So what has to go downstairs?"

"All of that"

I pointed at a mountain of bags and other shit.

"O my f*cking god, kill me now."

"Hehe sorry"

"Why do you you have so many bags?"

"Well first of all i had to bring all the food and firework."

"Good point"

"Then I had to bring the tent."

"And you guys found out yesterday you had no air beth to sleep on."

"Yeah I know"

"You better do!"

Tyler carried all the shit downstairs while i was just sitting on my bed looking at him while carrying everything.

"You could help?"

"Yeah i could but you're doing t so good and i sit pretty comfortable right now soo."

"You're so lazy"

"That you're figuring that out now, you had like 15 years to do that."

Then the doorbell rang what went Thomas was here to pick us up.


I jumped off my bed and walked downstairs to open the door for Thomas.



"Ready to go?"

"Yeah i think so?" i answered

Then i turned around and yelled "Tyler are you ready to carry my shit in the car?"


"Haha" Thomas started laughing

Tyler and Thomas filled the car with everything and we drove of to the woods.


Hey, guys thanks you so much for reading my fanfic that mean so much to me.

I hope you like it?

Feel free to leave a comment

Love ya 


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