Chapter 5

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Rickey's P.O.V.

School went so slowly even slower as usual.

'It was killing me'

Iu walked home alone because Tyler went tot the mall with his friends.

But i didn't mind.

When i was close to my house the mother of Tyler was watering the garden.


"Ohw hi darling how is your day? Had a great birthday so far?"

"Yeah, just the usual"

"Wanna come in for a cup of tea?"

"Yeah i'd love to!"

I love Tyler's mom she like my own she treats me like i'm her daughter.

She only has 2 sons and she's the only girl in the family so i'm the one she gets to get girl talks with and stuff.

I walked into her house and went to the kitchen

"So tell me about you day?"

"Yeah is was just a normal day."

Then i remembered my conversation with tyler from this morning

"Why does Tyler never wears his KuPee?

"I don't know he is very closed about it."

"Do you know what color is it?"

"Yeah it is dark blond, just like your hair."

"Ohw okay."

I didn't think she knew what she just said but...

I think that was why he never talks or wears it.

Maybe it is the only reason he hangs out with me cause he thinks we are soulmates.

That one line kept spooking in my head.

'Just like your hair'

We talked the whole afternoon until it was time for me to eat.

I grabbed my cup and saucer and set them in the sink

Just when i was about to grab my bag Tyler came in.



"I was just about to go"

"Ohw can you stay?"

"Yeah sure"

"What happened?"

He looked like he got hit by a car.

"Where is my mom?"

"She is getting food, i told her i would clean up for her."


"Tyler what's wrong?"

I saw the pain in his eyes

He collapsed on the couch and he looked like he was about to cry

"Tell me...?"

He took a deep breath and started talking

"Well you know my friend Jason?"


"He he the reason you look like crap and got a crack in your lip?"

"Did you get in a fight?"


"Because of you!"

"What" what do you mean?"

"Well they always make fun of you... and..."

'Yeah i know.."

"Well he told me i had to stop hanging out with or he would kick me out of the group."

"What did you do?"


"Wait let me first help you with you lip."


We walked over to the kitchen and he sat down on one of the bar stool.

'Well we called you names and i didn't know what to do ..?and"

"It's alright."

"And then Thomas helped me defending you and..."

"Wait you mean Thomas Parker?"


"Ohw okay"

'And then the boys started to get aggressive and we got in a huge fight and they beat the shit out of us and.."

"Wait where is Thomas now?"

"I brought him home."

"Are you alright?"


We talked until he was finally calmed down.

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