Chapter 11

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Rickey's P.O.V.

We arrived at the lake where we parked our car.

"So where are we setting the tent?"

"That way" Thomas said pointing at the left side of the lake.

We grabbed some bags and walked along the lake. We made like an half circle around it.

We went a few meters in the wood and dropped the bags. We could see the lake and the one side and the woods on the other.

"So i'll wait for you guys to come back with the other bags" I said while i sait down against a tree.

"So when we're back you have the tent ready?" Tylers asked when he smirked a little.

"We'll see?" i said

They walked towards the car again.

I decided to be random and i searched for my bag between all the luggage we already bring.

I found my bag and started grabbing and finally i found it.

Behind a tree i chained and then i waited for the boys.

I saw then coming and when they were close enough i run towards them and jumped into the lake.

Causing them (and some of the luggage) to get weth.

"Argh are you kidding me?" Tyler asked a little annoyed

"Come!" Thomas said while he dropped his clothes and jumped in.

*still wearing his underwear*

"Man you're so slow!"

Then Tyler jumped in as well.

Soon it became dark and we came out of the water to start a fire.

Thomas made everything ready for the fire and Tyler and i set up the tent.

"So what are we going to eat?" Thomas asked when everything was set.

"I don't know?" Tyler said


Thomas and Tyler looked at each other and signed


Not even a second later my phone rang the pizza place.

"Hello, can we have three large pepperoni pizza please?" I asked

"Sure what's the address?" I looked upen and made an asking face to the boys

"Hmm maybe the parking lot?"

"Yeah sure" Thomas said

I handed him the phone and he told the guy the address

"The pizza will be there in thirty minutes."


We sat down by the fire and waited for time to pass when our pizza would come.

We talked about things and laughed a little when it was time to walk to the parking lot to get our pizza.

Tyler and i went to the car and sat down on the front of the car waiting for pizza.

It was silent for a moment it wasn't awkward or anything.



"You never told me about your KuPee?"


"First you were all excited and now you don't talk about it or..?"

"I knoww"

"is there something?"

"No just.."

*i knew that he would asked what color it was but i tried to change the subject*

"You don't even wear it?"

"You don't either!"

"Okay, you got me there."

I smiled a little

*Please, just talk about something else please?*

"What color is yours?"

I almost got and heart attack

How can i get out of this situation please god?!

Then life happened and the pizza guy came driving on the parking lot.

"Ohw there's the pizza."


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