I'm So Sorry.

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Apologies to my readers.

I'm really sorry if it takes a while to updating my stories. Lately i'm not feeling good, i've got mood swings that sometimes makes me just wanna sit down and cry the whole day and the next day its like there is nothing happened. I'm not sure if this is a mood swings or, a bipolar. My life is become a mess nowadays, and its because a lots of things; I like to over thinking over something, i know it sounds really ridiculous to worry about everything but to get out from this is not easy, to be fine when you see him with anyone else.. I should have stop caring about him but once again is not easy, its not easy to move on over someone that you've liked since a long time ago. Even just by imagining him with other girl is making my heart ache.

Flashing backs is hurt, especially all the time whenever i write pages through pages about "our memories" that i really have to forget from now on. But I still want to tell you about this, I still want to share my story about someone that always makes me fall in love in every way, thats why I still want to continue to write this. I hope you guys want to patiently waiting on this story since i need to take a time for a while to collecting my shattered piece of heart haha. I need to rebuild my feelings again and making my defends strong against him. Thats all I want to say, You guys are fantastic, and I just want to thank you so much if you will wait for me. 

Aku sekarang udah kelas 3 SMA dan tbh, pr dan ulanganku buanyaaak banget. Belum lagi di tambah perasaan gua yang ngga karuan semenjak dia pergi dan hubungan gua jadi tambah complicated as hell. A little info aja si, semua parts disini itu part of my past, masa lalu gua sama dia jadi yagitu, tiap kali gua nulis ini mau gamau gua flashback akan kejadian dan semua perasaan gua yang udah lalu-lalu.. dan sebenernya belum bisa berhenti sampai detik ini. Some of my friends udah mulai maksa, dan nyeret gua buat lupain Rial sampai-sampai mereka juga sempet set me up with some people on blind dates, tapi tetep aja hasilnya sama. Gua gabisa, seolah walaupun gua itu di paksa gimana pun gabakal bisa lupain dia. Jadi mungkin saja, hanya waktu yang bisa menghapus semua ini. 

Ku harap kalian bisa nunggu sampai beberapa part selesai dan ready buat di upload. Kritik dan saran aku juga terima kok. Sekali lagi makasih banget buat pengertian kalian semua. Aku sayang kalian.


Dia.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang