Chapter One.

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"Don't listen to them." Harry's voice lingered in my ear, pushing me along through the paved streets of London. Our feet moving in sync. "Just keep walking." There was a hint of anger in this voice.

I looked over my shoulder to see a mob of people with flashing cameras following us. Paparazzi. Really? Again? This is the third time this week. These people get paid to make my life as difficult as they can. They shouted words of hatred and hurt, shooting right into the heart like a bullet. And to me, it's just sickening.

'What number is this, Taylor? 7th... This year?'

'How long do you plan on staying? Just long enough to break his heart, am I right?'

'I heard you have an American back home by the name of Austin... What's going on there?'

The last one was just stupid. Austin is my brother and we even look like siblings. Harry knows that, thank god. Like I said, making my life as difficult as possible. I rolled my eyes and looked forward, putting one foot in front of the other, just like Harry had encouraged. "The truck is just around the corner." He assures me in a whisper, his fingers interlocking with mine, keeping a strong hold. "People are just... rude." He huffs while I kept silent. If he had such a problem with it, why didn't he just stand up for me? No, I shouldn't say that. If he did stand up for me, especially in this crowd, it would just get worse. I couldn't blame him for just wanting to get out of here. Harry opened my door and I sat in the passenger seat as he jogged over to the other side. "I don't know why I thought going down town was a good idea, I'm sorry." Harry looked in my direction after slamming the door. His lips shooting me a quick smile of a genuine apology.

I nodded, as if it didn't bug me. "It's fine." I cleared my throat, "I'm used to it."

He shook his head in disbelief. "Don't lie. It's not okay. It never has been and it never will be." The car starts moving and the only sound either of us heard was the relentless paparazzi. I smiled his way, sliding my hand on his thigh.

"Don't worry about it." I insisted in a calm whisper noticing how tense he was. Nearly vibrating. Harry shook his head again and that was the last thing either of us said until we arrived back at his place. It was like a weight was lifted as soon as we stepped through the door. No cameras. No screaming fans. No one but us.

Harry was making dinner for the two of us tonight. It was a nice change from the Chinese take out and pizza we usually ordered. He had some kinda stir fry planned and he was hard at work. I didn't want to bother him, but at the same time I wanted to make sure the kitchen wasn't about to explode. Even if he grew up in the bakery, didn't mean he was good at it. I tiptoed in the kitchen and grabbed one of the sliced peppers from the silver bowl. "How's it going?" I asked with a smile and a kiss on his cheek, quickly hopping up beside him on the countertop.

His lips formed a smile as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. "Good."
He was so cute as he concentrated, clearly working hard. "How can you cook without music?" I asked, picking up the universal remote from beside me and searching for a radio station.

He shrugged, "I like to think when I cook."

"Oh..." The remote went back where I got it. "Whatcha thinking bout?" My fingers ran down his arm and took another pepper.

"A lot. I don't know, today just... The paparazzi pissed me off. They shouldn't say those things to you." He dropped his knife on the cutting bored and I took his hands. My eyes staring deeply into his green ones.

"It's not the end of the world." I whispered, trying to be reassuring. Bringing his hands to my lips and kissing them softly, "It'll be easier, one day. I promise."

Harry sighed and kissed my forehead. "You don't get the point, it shouldn't have to be like that though. It shouldn't have to be a 'it'll get easier.' We should be able to walk down the streets holding hands and kissing without the entire world going haywire. I'm sick of it!" He huffed. I felt so bad, if it wasn't for me, none of this would be happening to him. His fans never treated any of his other girlfriends like this, or so I was told. So why me? What did I do? Tears started to peak at the corner of my eyes. It was like a sudden sea of tears needed to be let loose. He was right. The hate we had been getting was more than enough to make someone kill themselves. I try to not pay attention but when it's constantly circling you and everywhere you look there is someone who disapproves, it's hard. I don't know how Harry does it. I have to give him credit, he follows his fans and he tweets them, yet as soon as he goes offline, half of them turn into rotten little brats that have nothing better to do then hate. Well that's what Harry says. I swear to god, if I ever experienced one of my fans hating on a boyfriend of mine, I'd never know what to do with myself.

"Oh god." Harry whispered, "please don't cry, babe." His thumbs rubbing circles under my eyes. "They're not worth your tears." He choked.

In attempt to catch myself, I took a deep breath. "I know. But it's hard."

"Yes. It's hard right now. Yes. It's going to be hard for awhile. But will it always be hard? No. It will get easier. And one day we'll get married and start a family and everyone will finally except the fact that we are forever despite the rude comments." Harry smiled and his dimples made an appearance. Like little craters of some sign of happiness.

"I just wish it would come quicker." I whispered, leaning forward and smiling.

"I know." Harry's lips touched my cheek the escalated to my neck. His lips seemed to move against my skin perfectly, like it was made to happen.

I pushed him away, laughing. "Not happening lover boy." I laughed, "not even you can have desert before supper."

Harry dragged his hands along my thighs, blushing to the ground
"Alright." He smirked and peaked up. "But I expect something good tonight." A wink escaped.

I jumped from the counter and kissed him, quickly leaving before temptation became too much. With a skip in my step, I made my way upstairs.

Later that night, I woke up from some kinda dream that I couldn't completely remember. Harry's hand clamped around my waist. My eyes wondered the room. Moonlight dripped through the curtains. Beautiful, it was. I turned around within Harry's hold and smiled at my sleeping boy. His shagged mess of hair had fallen over his eyes and a small smile was placed nicely at his lips. My fingers traced his jaw line and my lips touched his just gently. I ran my hands down his chest. How a human being could be so perfect was beyond me. Everything he did was beautiful and amazing and to perfection. I loved this boy more than I thought I was capable of. "What are you doing up?" Harry caught me off guard with a mumble and I jumped. His eyes slowly opening to catch me in the act, the smile pressed on his lips, growing.

"Oh nothing." I mumbled and Harry brought me closer to his chest.

I melted into his embrace receiving complete comfort. "Oh come on now." He said sleepily. "You had to be doing something."

"Just admiring you is all." My hands guided themselves around his waist and I squeezed.

"Ahh." Harry started in his sleepy voice, which turned me on just a bit. "Well I better let you get back to that."

"Harry..." I mumbled.


"Are you sure you can't come with me? Even just for a few days?" To be honest, I just didn't wanna face American Paparazzi alone.

Harry sighed and shook his head, curls falling in his eyes. "Babe, please don't make this harder than it has to be. I'd be there in a heartbeat for you, you know that."

"I'm sorry." I whispered and snuggled into him.

"Don't be sorry." He whispered back into a kiss on my head.

"I just miss you a lot." The words escaped from my lips before I could pull them back.

His chest rose and fell. "It's the same for me Taylor."

That was the last thing either of us said for the night although we had to be awake for at least another hour. Just holding each other. Not doing anything mischievous or any of that stuff. There was too much on my mind. Two weeks, six hours, eleven minutes and twenty two seconds until the tour started. Which meant id be seeing Harry a lot less and my heart would be breaking a lot more.

The morning was quiet for the most part... Kinda how we left off the previous night. It consisted of long embraces and tender kisses. Small talk was made but never kept. "Are you hungry?" 'No.' "Would you like sugar in your coffee?" 'Two please.' "Do you got all your stuff?" 'Yes, actually, have you seen my diamond earrings?' "Ya, in the top drawer to the left." 'Thanks, you're my saviour.'

Harry loaded my few bags into the SUV. I had to take most of my things, I had no idea when id be back here. He held my hand as we drove down the back roads of London, finding ourselves the way to the air port runway. It wasn't until we drove through the gates when I broke down, completely and uncontrollably. I didn't do this kinda thing often, I was usually very put together and mature about these situations. Never let them see you sweat kinda deal. Tears messed with the little make up I had on. Drops of black tears falling down my cheeks to their death. Harry looked over, and when he saw I was crying he took a double take. "Taylor, my god, what's wrong?!"

I shook my head and tried to control the amount of tears that were falling. "Nothing. It's fine." It clearly wasn't.

The truck came to a halt and he took off his seatbelt, taking both my hands within his. "You're not fine. I know you better than that." He pulled my chin to look at him. "What's wrong?"

I took a deep, shakey breath. "I don't know when I'm gonna see you again. The tour starts in two weeks, I'm not gonna be able to fly to you every time I feel like it..." He cuts me off and I let him.

"You know I'll do the best I can, Tay." His lips pulled at mine but I didn't react.

"You have a tour going on, you're in the middle of a tour."

"You mean more to me than a pre show meet and greet... You mean... So much. And if I have to fly... Six hours on a day off just to get a day with you... To get an hour with you or even a minute... It's worth it, and I'll do it."

I closed my eyes and pulled back my bottom lip. "So I guess I'll talk to you tonight?"

"Of course." He said, before his lips crashed into mine from the driver's seat. My eyes peeked open as our lips pulled at each other's. My nose pressed to the side of his. They fit together like a puzzle. It was a feeling that was memorable. Our lips broke apart and a fake smile tugged at my lips. "I love you, alright? More than anything in the entire world." His fingers gripped at my chin.

"I love you too, Harry." I choked and unlocked my door, stepping out. Harry met me in front and walked me up the stairs of the private plane. He left me with a forehead kiss, and before I knew it he was gone. At the bottom of the stairs, one hand in his pocket and the other running through his hair. An indescribable look of sadness drawn on his expression.

I looked away from the circular window and fixated myself on the cat that had pounced into my lap. "Why, hello Meredith." I whispered, a tear dripping from my cheek. "That was fun, wasn't it?" I asked trying to push myself into happiness, thinking of how perfect the last week had been. She meowed. It was either a good thing or a bad one, so I took it as a positive note. "Hopefully we can stay longer, next time." Again, Meredith meowed and I scratched her head.

Paula, my publicist walked over with a smile on her face. "So?" She asked, "how was it?"

I smiled, sniffling, "amazing, just like always, I just wish it would last longer, ya know?"

She nodded, "I'm sure. But you do deserve some props. You're handling this amazing, considering the... Attention... you've been gaining."

"I have to stay strong with this kinda thing, if I let it get to me even a bit, it'll rip down my walls and then I'll be screwed." I paused, "I'm hoping it dies down soon though, and hopefully by the time we decide to settle down, it'll be nothing new to anyone. Could you imagine, Harry proposing and we go on twitter to announce it and all we receive is hateful comments?" Shivers ran down my spine. "Way to ruin the moment."

"You're that serious about him, eh?" She asks and I bite my lip, giving a slight nod. "I've just never heard you talk about settling down."

"He's different Paula. He isn't like the rest." I assure her. She raises an eyebrow and I knew exactly what she was thinking. That I've said this before and I'm so madly in love that I'm blindsided by it all. "I wouldn't be putting up with all this hate if I didn't have crazy indescribable emotions for him."

"I'm just happy you're happy, but we really do need to figure out something with this publicity. It isn't good for your image."

She was right, it wasn't good for my image, but I knew Paula would have a solution. She always did. After an in-depth conversation with Paula about what we could do about it and how to avoid it all, we were left it the same way we entered it. Having not really a clue what to do. That was a first. She said she'd talk to Harry's publicist and see if there was anything they could do there.

I felt better in a sense. Paula was like a second mother to me, or like that... cool aunt. She wanted what was best and was fairly protective. She stood from her seat across from me and wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered and pulled away. "Now just promise me you won't go do something stupid... Like get pregnant... and we should be able to work with this just fine."

I chuckled and nodded, "of course. I promise!"

I set up my laptop to watch re runs of new girl, I hadn't seen it in awhile and thought it might be time for a beginning to end update. Thank god for my private plane. I curled up with Mere and wrapped myself in a tapestry quilt. Comfy, just how I liked it.

Harry and I were meant to be together, it seemed. We started off as friends and then one night at dinner with the group (involving the boys and Sel) something changed... Dramatically. For whatever reason, we went out for late night dinner and we got a round of a variety of alcoholic drinks. I didn't have a problem with it and when one came my way, I drank it, just like everyone else. We were all A little tipsy a good while in to the night, but we were all conscious to knew what we were doing. A round of shots came our way and Selena had to convince me into it. I didn't like them, they were too strong and the bitter taste left my throat tight for hours. But once I was convinced, Harry shot one with me on the count of three. And to express my over joyed tipsy excitement I grabbed on to The person beside me, which so happened to be Harry. (Tipsy Taylor may have done that on purpose, I'll never truly know.) I pressed my lips to his and almost immediately, when I realized what I was doing, I pulled away. Well, tried to pull away, Harry didn't let me. The room ran silent as our lips melted together and I fell into his hold. His tongue at the edge of my bottom lip, as he sneaked his entrance. It was only when the entire group called 'get a room' we pulled away. I pulled away, red cheeked, flaming with embarrassment. Something sparked that night and ever since, we've been much more than friends. I fell in love. I never thought id be one to say I fell in love over drinks at an empty restaurant, but just like they say. You don't find love, love finds you.

I fell asleep for a good portion of the flight and I woke up to realize this within minutes of landing. It was just before lunch when we arrived and I was craving a good lunch date with some gal pals. I knew Claire and Ashley were in nashville so I sent a text their way, telling them to meet me with take out from the Pancake Pantry within the hour. They were just as excited as I, no surprises there.

When I arrived home, I set up for a girls day with some movies and tea, and I brought out my favourite mini popcorn maker, like the one they have at theatres.

"Ring a ding ding!" A voice called from the door and I squealed, making a run for my friends.

I engulfed both Ashley and Claire in an embrace. "How are you, lovelies?!"
"Lovelies?" Claire rolled her eyes.
"Harry is turning you British, is he?" Ashley tried her best to mock his accent but failed in attempt causing us all to laugh.

"I would not mind that at all... Come in! I've got treats!" I escorted them to the kitchen and we all took a seat. Of course the first question was about Harry. "Oh well, he's Harry!" I laughed. "No, but really, he's doing good. It was good to spend some quality time with him, it's always so hard to say goodbye though, like we kinda just try to skip it and act as if it's nothing." I sighed, thinking of my boy.

"Well you guys do seem perfect for each other." Ashley insisted. "And he makes you happy, unlike others."
Chills ran up my spine, "don't even bring... He who shall not be named... Up. He was an asshole. Pure asshole."

The girls laughed at my language. "So what page are y'all on?" I raised an eyebrow and Claire restated herself. "I mean like, are you guys on the same page? Are you taking it slow or what's going on there."

I blushed and looked to my lap where my thumbs twiddled. "Um... Slow? What do you mean by that?"

Ashley started laughing hysterically. "Get some TayTay!" She laughed, her hand cupping her mouth and making some kinda chant you would hear at a football game. One some high school boy would use.

Claire's eyes went wide, "really?!"
I looked up and blushed even more. "Nothing is slow in our relationship I mean we've been together almost a year but we hardly ever see each other. There's more than just kissing, but that's all I'm saying!"

"I thought you guys would do the usual! Hold hands and go skipping through a meadow." Ash stated sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, not particularly wanting to get into my sex life. "All you need to know is that Harry and I love each other."

"Okay okay." Claire chuckled, opening the take out from PP.

We spent the next hour, chowing down on my favourite pancakes and catching up. My weakness. We somehow moved our conversation to the upcoming trends. If anyone knew anything about fashion it was these two. "I'm just not looking forward to being a a bride, it's gonna be chaotic." Claire sighed. She had had gotten engaged just a month or so back. "Everything has to be perfect, and if it isn't, I'll be regretting it my entire life."

"Everything will turn out just the way you want it Clairebear." Ashley insisted. "Especially with bridesmaids like Taylor and I."

I nodded and agreed. "Exactly. Who knows you better than your bestfriends anyway?"

To admit, it made me sad that both Ashley and Claire were engaged. They were both in very serious relationships and it made me wonder. Would anyone ever stick around long enough to let me have that? I just don't know if Harry is the type. I mean, we've talked about marriage and kids but never seriously. All in fun, if we're being honest. As much as I was happy for them, I was envious too. I was 23 and hadn't even thought about settling down. But I guess that's what I get for being in the business. Maybe id never get my chance.

So this is my first chapter story since Another Planet and Another Spark which is near terrifying considering I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update. I'll try to keep it as consistent as possible. Thanks guys and I hope you enjoy
Beyond Me.

Beyond Me. {Haylor}Where stories live. Discover now