Chapter Twenty-Five.

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"Okay, I've got toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, makeup, pj pants, fuzzy socks, an outfit for when we get outta there, a sweater, housecoat, and that lotion you really like." Harry says rushing down the stairs, I can practically see him trembling. He slides the suitcase up beside the couch. "Ready?" He asks.

"Harry..." I trail off rolling my eyes and rubbing my belly.

His eyes go wide "oh my gosh! Is something wrong? ! Let's go!"

"No, no!" I say giggling. "But um, did you get the baby bag I packed last night?"

"Oh shit!" He says before running off, back to our bedroom. We had some time yesterday, so we took it easy and headed out to some stores to get some basics. Some outfits and a baby bath. Just small things. I was unsure of the nursery, and when that was going to get done, but I couldn't stress about it. I doubt I'll be leaving Ellie's side for the first few months anyway. We'll get it done eventually.

He comes rushing down the stairs with the pink and red baby bag over his shoulder. "Okay! We're good!" Harry takes my hand and pulls me up.

I let out a aching moan from the the bottom of my spine. "Ugh, I can't wait until Ellie gets here, it's like she's pushing against the back of my spine." Harry leans in to kiss me tenderly, numbing my pain. "I'm gonna need a few of those during labour." I wink and he laughs, readjusting my hand in his, escorting me to the car.

We arrive at the hospital and we're brought to a private room with a beautiful view overlooking Nashville. It doesn't feel like a hospital. There's a hospital bed with sheets and pillows that could easily fit both Harry and I. A tv, a dresser, a sink and a fridge and a microwave. Not to mention my own private bathroom. It's almost like a hotel room, but with monitors and such for a pregnant woman about to pop. I get settled in and change from leggings to sweats and the hospital gown. Heat circulates through the room and I make my way to the bed.

A knock at the door startles me and I welcome them in. Harry mutes the tv and greets the nurse. "Hello Miss Swift." She says with a smile. "How are things?"

"Good!" I nod, "I'm just in some back pain but that's not really anything new."

She smiles, "good good, my name is Samantha, and I'll be your nurse until four this afternoon. Would you mind if we just took a little look at baby?"

"Not at all!" I pull up my gown to make room for blue jelly goo.

Harry runs his hand down from my shoulder to my hand and grins down at me. He's been doing it a lot lately. He doesn't have anything to say, he just stares and smiles. He claims it's admiration but I know exactly what it is, because I used to do it to him. If he has the feeling I had a few months ago, this is it. This is us.

Looking back, I wasn't the same person I am now. I'm stronger. Healthier. Happier. Not that I wasn't happy before but it's like... Ellie has brought me this undenying love and joy and she's so close to being here, I just don't want to share her with anyone else. Just Harry, Ellie and I. The Styles'.

"Your little girl looks pretty happy in there" Samantha laughs.

"When do you think she'll be here?" I ask hoping it's before my birthday.

"Hard to say," she pauses and types into the computer. "It could be anywhere from today up until just before Christmas."

My lips curl together in my mouth. "We'll try our best but you can't really force nature. It doesn't look like she'll be here before the next week here. Oh! And it looks like the reason for your back pain is actually her positioning. Try laying on your side for a bit. It may help. Also, fizzy soda should help."

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