Chapter Eighteen.

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"What the fuck do you mean management threatened you?! They have no right!" He shouts and i cringe. He's not beside me on the bed anymore. He's pacing the room with his fists clenched.

"It wasn't a threat," I warn, "more so of a... Uneasy phone call."

"Tell me what they said, everything." He demands. His face is red and fumingly hot. The tension in the room rose higher and higher.

"They just told me if you keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna loose your job. That you couldn't keep leaving the band. They're gonna kick you out."

"Taylor, I'm the fucking star of that band. You really think they'll do that?" I shrug nervously. "They won't. And even if they do, fuck them. I don't need them. I could make myself a career very easily." He walks back over to me, taking my hands. "Look, I love you, and I want to be with you. So if this decision was based on us, fine. But if it was based on the fact of management, don't let that even sway us." I goto reply but baby makes it hard with a kick to my stomach, the hardest one I've felt yet! I buckle over in surprise with a laugh and Harry kneels down. "Are you okay?!"

I laugh and nod, "yeah. It's just the baby." I assure him.

"The baby? That doesn't sound okay, Tay... Have you eaten today?" The nerves in his voice throw me back to a few weeks ago but I shake it off.

I push him off with a smile. "It's fine. I promise. I've eaten, it's fine. It's just the baby moving, here. Feel it." I take his large hand and press it to the side of my stomach examining his eyes as they stare at my torso. His warmth vibrates through me, the tingles run up my spine. Even though it's only been a week of not interacting, his touch sends me through the roof. If this is what true love is, I never want to loose it. "Do you feel it?" I ask, pressing his hand around.

He shakes his head, "although, im not quite sure what I'm feeling for."

I fall down on the bed, lying on my back, lifting my shirt and pressing his hand around, waiting for a soft spot mixed with a jolt of energy. I look at Harry again, his attention spread out against my stomach. "Do you feel it now?" I say after I feel a flutter.

He stares, so concentrated and when his eyes light up, I know he say. "T-that was the baby?" He stutters, looking from me to his hand.

I nod and roll my eyes, sitting partially up, "yes, that was the baby."

The smile on his face grows larger and I catch myself staring at his lips. He gets closer, and just like he was concentrated on me, I'm concentrated on him. Time slows down and I take a deep breath. We look at each other like we're about to kiss, but I stop him. "Harry, I don't want you to get in trouble." I whisper, turning my cheek so his kiss lands there instead.

"Kissing isn't going to get me in trouble," he insists turning me to look back at him. "Plus, when do I ever care if we get in trouble?"

"Never." I smirk.

"Exactly, now shut up and let me kiss you."

I blush a shade of red and give in. We both now I'm weak when it comes to him and any guard that I have ever tried to put up, is always knocked down. But that's just Harry and the way he looks at you. My fingertips touch his jaw bone as our lips meet. And even though it was only a week that I went without him, I swear it was the longest week I've had to experience. And kissing Harry just... Replaces everything I missed. Like it... Makes up for lost time. And all I can think hike our lips mend together is;

I love him.
I love him.
I love him.


"Taylor, sweetie, wake up. We have to get on the bus before the girls." Hands gently shake me and my eyesight soon becomes useful. Ali stands over me, completely replenished. I give her a groggy confused 'good morning' and she just laughs. "I thought you would want Harry on the plane before the girls, considering they don't know Harry is here."

I slowly turn to look at Harry who is deep in sleep, his arm still wrapped around my hip. "Okay." I stretch out, still in my clothes from yesterday. "We'll be ready in twenty, can you stall them."

"Absolutely. I'm glad you guys mended things," she smiles, beginning to walk out.

I squeeze Harry's hand, "me too." When Ali leaves, I turn to my side and lightly comb my fingers through Harry's hair. His plaid shirt is slightly unbuttoned and I can see his tattoos just peaking from his collar. My hand glides down his chest and I awaken him with a kiss at his gentle lips. "Harry..." I whisper... "Mr Styles..." My voice is teasingly and my smile grows on it's own.

Harry slowly opens his eyes and he snacks my arms around my waist further til he's pulled me against his chest. "Oh god I've missed you." His voice comes out huskily. I place a kiss at his neck then slither from the bed, stripping from my blouse that had wrinkled from sleeping. "Wow there little kitten you got to warn me when you're about to do that!" Harry says, pulling himself up.

I turn so I'm standing in my bra, facing him. "Oh what, this?" I tease then turn around, changing into a tank top and PINK sweater. "I'm ready to go, are you?"


"Yes, Mr Styles. Go. Surely you didn't think that you were just going to break into my hotel room and have me change all my plans, did you?" He crinkles his nose and I step into the bathroom. "Come on, Har. Time is not something we have a lot of."

I pull my frizzy hair into a ponytail and throw on some mascara. Harry slides into the bathroom. A grin on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Have you thought about pregnancy photos?" He asks, laying kisses down my neck.

I shrug, still doing my makeup. "Not overly. I mean, she- they aren't out baby."

He rustles his hair and he jumps up on the counter beside me. "Still haven't changed your mind?" I shake my head and put on my glasses. "You look so hot in those." He winks.

Hot. Hot? My glasses have goto be the dorkiest thing in history. Big black frames. "Um, yeah sure. Thanks for changing my mind. I'll be wearing contacts today."

"No," he chuckles. "I mean it. I feel like you're about to whip me into shape!"

I roll my eyes and take of my glasses, changing to contacts. "Not happening Mr. Styles." I wink.

"Only if you'll be Mrs. Styles." I laugh at his corniness. At least he tries.

"Maybe, one day." I say and the only reason I say maybe is because of what's going on. I don't want to get married because I'm pregnant. I want to get married because I want to get married. Because I'm in love and it's the right time. I don't want it to be forced. It's been proven that people who are in love, yet rush things, fall out of love. And I don't want to fall out of love with Harry, he's got too much for me to loose.


Sorry it's been so irregular! But I'm on exam break now so hopefully I can finish it up before February and start on either Balance or Winding Wheel! Leave me a comment and let me know which one you would rather more!

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