Chapter Three.

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I wake up, coffee tingling through my nose. My fingers grasp the bedsheets in fight of getting up. I peek open my eyes and sunlight draws in from the high tour bus window. I turn on my side and crawl out of bed. Despite our restless night, Harry must have already gotten up. Which in a way was a good idea. If he had of stayed in bed, no way I would have wanted to face the day. Sleepily, I find my glasses and pull on Harry's shirt and button up the front. Spandex shorts are added to the outfit and sock slippers. As I turn, a note sits on the sliding door of my room. I peal the pale yellow sticky and smile.

See you soon, beautiful.

My fingertips press the note against the wood. That was staying there, and was to never be removed.

I push my hair out of my eyes and it falls to the side frame of my 'hipster' glasses. I'm greeted with a resounding 'good morning!' "Well well, look who is finally crawling out of the cave." Clare laughs as she hands me a cup of coffee.

I chuckle and thank her. Soon turning to see Harry sitting with Elle and Mel. He's already staring me up and down, feeling every curve with his eyes. I blush and Harry motions me over and into his lap which I gladly do. My legs hanging off the side of his. His kiss is more than enough of a good morning. It wasn't just a kiss. It was a Harry styles kiss. Elle pushes me back, making Harry and I leave contact. I glare in a friendly way and she chuckles. They all do.

"So y'all had fun last night, eh?" Cait laughs pouring herself a second cup of coffee. She's the only one that would bring this up, the rest aren't that daring. My heart sinks as I realize that maybe our cover was blown and just like I though we were too loud and-

Harry cuts off my thoughts. "Why would you say that?" He pushes me off and I snuggled into his side, readjusting my glasses.

"No reason." She smiles with a wink. "I just kinda assumed."

The other girls stay quiet and one changes the topic. "How was your flight, Harry?" Kam asks.

"It was alright. But being able to have this one in my arms again is all worth it."

I blush from his side, his lips touch my forehead. "You guys are just making me miss my husband and kids!" Melanie whines and I giggle.

"Do you think you guys will get married?" Clare asks.

I look at Harry and straighten up. His eyes are saying something, but I could only reading confused. "I-I don't know.." I mumble and Harry turns to smile at Clare who is sipping on her coffee.

"Before I met Taylor, I never thought I'd want to get married. Never thought of that as an option for me." He looks over his shoulder and I'm sunken into the seat. His eyes are sparkling more than they were just a moment ago. He looks back. "I never thought I could love someone the way I love her. And I know I'm young, but I want to spend my entire life with Taylor. I can't imagine life without her." Well that was absolutely a turn in our relationship. Harry's hand grasps mine and tears are prickling the back of my eyes. A round of 'awe!'s' surround us, but I'm only paying attention to Harry and his mess of brown waves.

I pull Harry back with a gentle tug at the shoulder. My fingertips turning his chin to mine, slowly our lips touching. A smile peaks at my lips as Harry's hand gravitated to my hip. The thought of everyone watching influences my decision to back away. A bright pink embedded in the apples of my cheeks. Harry nuzzled himself in the crook of my neck whispering things that only I could understand.

The day slowly runs it's way though and we've arrived in St. Louis. We aren't playing for a day or two so we have some time to explore the city. To no ones surprise Harry and I call it a day it. Deciding that it's not worth getting caught. We got in the hotel with no cameras, and we'd like to keep in that way.

We're cuddled up on the couch watching some movie with Jennifer Aniston, the title escapes me. A blanket is twisted and tied between Harry and I. Heat going from one body to the other, bouncing off. A bowl of popcorn sits on the floor and Harry casually drops his hand to take a handful bringing it back up to eat only one kernel at a time. I'm more intrigued with Harry rather than the motion picture or buttery food. I'm too busy... Memorizing him. Every move he made. Every breath. And it's not like I hadn't done this a thousand times! I had. But every time I see him, something changes. He seems to grow wiser, more mature each time. Non the less, I love him just the same.

My fingertips line his jaw bone, his skin is like silk to my fingers. I reach up to kiss his cheek and he hardly even notices, going back to eating the popcorn that is his muse. "Why do you always do that?" Harry whispers and chuckles. I blush and fall right into the dip where I belong, squeezing him tightly. "Why do you always watch me?"

I shrug and mumble words of gibberish. "I guess I just like to know you're there."

Harry looks down to connect his eyes with mine. "I'm always here. And even when I'm not, I'm in here." He pokes my chest and I give a little laugh, quickly nuzzling back into him.

The rest of the day consists of small actions like this. Soaking up every moment we had. We're invited to dinner down in the restaurant of the hotel, with the rest of the gang. With hesitation, I agree. Harry's excited. My band has become his friends, nearly family if you will. Harry's dressed in a plaid shirt and some worn out jeans, the ones that he's had since the day I met him, long before I'm ready.

Harry's knuckles tap at the bathroom door, "can I come in?" He asks but doesn't wait for a response. Striding in while I'm only in my undergarments.
I roll my eyes while I lean over the sink, adjusting my eyeliner. "Like you were gonna wait for a answer." I laugh, turning my body away from him.

His hand wraps around my waist and I stand up straight to kiss him gently before pulling my dress from it's hanger. "Oh come on, just stay like this for a little longer." Both his hands are now placed at my hips, pulling them slowly closer to him. I don't know what it is about Harry but he loves my body. Just another thing to add more pressure to my staying fit. I wiggle my way through Harry's hold and smile as I pull the dress over my head, turning around and politely asking Harry to tie me in. It's a lace up dress from Free People. Very flowy and carefree. One of my faves.

We meet our friends in the dining area, Harry greets Ed first then the rest of our company for the night. Everyone else has already arrived so I'm seated beside Caitlin and across from Grant, who is on the phone with a terribly upset Lulu. Harry takes the seat between Ed and I, the both of them deep in conversation on one thing or another. Caitlin is drilling me with questions about our day and I tell her the basics. No details. She's always been a nosey one.

Shortly after, waiters come and bring us drinks, following by taking our order. The restaurant is really on top of its game, because in less than twenty minutes we are served with heaping amounts of food that only the guys in my band will be able to finish with the exception of Grant.

Harry ordered for the both of us, he'll be eating off my plate more than I.
The salad I'm given is tossed with croutons. Probably the most salt I've ate in weeks. The chicken breast is glazed in some orange sauce, which I'm assuming involves cheese, and basil on top. Mashed potatoes are piled up at the side, I near immediately turn those to Harry. One word. Carbs.

I slice up my food, Harry taking more each time. This was going to be easier than expected. It looked good, but I just wasn't hungry. Harry had some steak dinner on a bed of brown rice. That's not... Too... Bad. I start on my salad. Greens have always been my favourite. After a little while, Elle, who is seated beside Grant, calls my name and tries to hand me the basket of buttery buns. I deny with a smile and thank her anyway. She's relentless though, and hands it to me anyway. I laugh and take the basket of buns, attempting to find the smallest one. Instead, I'm taken back at what I find.

The entire room runs silent as I pull out a red velvet box. "What's this." I choke. My eyes discover Harry on one knee beside me, pulling the box open within my fingers. Sitting there, a diamond ring sparkling on a black cushion. Had Harry planned this? Was this his intention all along? Was he serious about this? Did he really want this? My heart sinks and I start shaking. I didn't want this! Well, I did, but I wasn't ready for this! Not now.
I glance around. Both Ed and Grant have their iPhones filming me. I swallow hard and four simple words drip from Harry's lips.

"Will you marry me?"

My eyes are wide as no sound comes out. A smile is tugging at the corners of his lips. Time pauses. Was this real? Was this actually happening? Or was it just a figure of my imagine? A dream maybe? But how even I could dream something like this was too... Real. I wasn't ready for that title of being Harry's fiancé, or being anyone's fiancé for that matter! My fingers loose contact with the box and it falls into Harry's, much-bigger-than-mine, hands. I stutter and my lips quiver, my hands cover my mouth, then fall.

"I'm sorry."

That's all I can manage to put together before I dart off to somewhere. Anywhere. Just out of this mess. Every ounce of energy is being used to not cry before I reach the bathroom. What on earth was I doing?


Hey guys! I just wanna give a special thanks to my friend, Brooke! She's such a sweetie and her Fanfics are nothing but FAB U LOS. so check her out at FanficsbyBrooke!!!

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