Chapter Nineteen.

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Harry's decided to stay for the ultrasound. He had only been to one, but it was over a month ago. Ali was coming with us but Rob was a no show. When we arrived to Rylee's office, we were escorted into a room and I sat down on the bed like chair, pulling my tank top up. Rylee soon joins us and welcomes me with a hug. "You look a lot healthier." She says, her smile bright.

"All thanks to Mother Dear over there." I wink at Ali who blushes. "She's been my life savour. I don't know what I would do without her." Ali smiles but doesn't say anything.

"Alright, well, let's see how baby is doing." Rylee says, beginning to squirt the blue gel against my stomach and Harry holds my hand. I can't tell if it's more for his comfort or mine. Our fingers link together and the image on the screen detects a baby. My smile widens at the black and white picture. The arms slightly moving and they turn their head. "Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby?" Rylee asks, moving the ultrasound end around then typing into her computer.

I look to Ali who looks to Harry, then me. "Um, it's completely up to you guys..." She says nervously.

"Harry?" I ask, looking up, "what do you think?"

His eyes grow wide and be stutters on his words, "I'm not making this decision, this is for you to make Tay."

"In that case..." I nod my head looking back and Rylee, "I would love to know."

"Alrighty then!" Ry says, grinning, "just look at the screen." She points then begins to type.

Hello... I'm a...


I let out a laugh and almost like a sigh of relief, although I'm not sure why. I look to Ali who has more tears than me and I release from Harry to take her hand. "You're gonna have a baby girl." I say, smiling at Ali, nervously as she breaks out into a tide of tears. Her arms wrap around me and she squeezes tighter than she has ever before. I look over her shoulder to see Harry. Wiping tears from his eyes. 'I wish she was ours' he whispers and I close my eyes, pretending I didn't see it. I do too Harry, I do too.


"It's a baby..." I whisper to myself, sitting on the couch while Harry and Ali devour their take out from Pancake Pantry for dinner. "It's a little girl with a name and two hands and two feet and fingers and toes..." My fingers trace the printouts that Rylee had given me.

"What are you saying, Tay?" Harry asks, putting down his fork and sinking back in to the couch beside me.

"Just admiring. That's all." My eyes stay stuck to the black and white image.

Harry kisses my cheek, "you do a lot of that don't you." He laughs and I blush. His lips run down from my cheek to my lips, pairing them and I match his move.

"Oh you two," Ali laughs and rolls her eyes. "Get a room."

Harry breaks away from out kiss just long enough to look at Ali and roll his eyes. "Silly Ali, we not only have a room, we have a house." The way he says it strangely turns me on. Which hadn't really happened since I found out i was pregnant. I mean, I've had feelings for him just like always, if not stronger, but cuddling was the closet I'd go. Harry wasn't really happy with it, but really, what was he gonna do about it. He winks and pushes me onto my back so I'm laughing hysterically, arching my back from the couch.

Ali stands wiping, her hands on her jeans. "I'm just gonna head out. I haven't seen Rob a lot lately, which is making him a tad angry. Text me later."

"No! Ali! I'm sorry!" I say pushing Harry off of me to sit up.

"No, I insist." She smiles. "You guys haven't truly reconnected anyway. Rob misses me too. Have a good day, guys. And make sure she eats, Harry. If all else fails, get her some Nutella. That's been her weakness lately." She winks and strides down the hallway and I hear the door close.

"Well that was unexpected," I say nervously, "I kinda feel bad."

"Don't." Harry says sternly, pushing me back down into the couch and I let out a laugh. "I kinda told her to get out of here as soon as possible." He says then dives into the crease of my neck for kisses. "I've new missing you more than possible. And I need you, now." He says, lips mashed into my neck which causes me to let out a low moan.

"Ha-arry" I breath heaving and he chuckles. His breath bouncing off my skin sending chills down my spine. "Not now." I insist, my hands push against his chest.

"Nice try." Harry stops kissing my neck long enough for me to want more. My lips trace his jawline and stop at his chin. I pull his lips to mine, but refusing to let them touch. "It's cute you think you have control."

I tilt my head and raised my eyebrows unsure of what he means but it seams like within a blink he's got me bridal style, tossing me into the cloud like comforter of my king sized bed. Harry reaches the back of his shirt and swipes it off with one quick pull. The buckle to his jeans is quickly undone and I fall back into the bed, confused at what he thinks he was going to do. Confused at what I thought I wanted to do. Harry climbs on top of me, squeezing his legs around me in a straddle. His hands run down my shoulders and it feels like silk. I stop him though. "I'm not comfortable with this, Harry:" I say nervously after my tank top has reconsidered it's home on the floor. He falls to the bed beside me. His bottom lip swelling from the multiple kisses.

His eyes search mine. "Really?" He asks, sounding completely disappointed and twenty minutes ago it sounded like an exciting idea but now, I'm unsure. He looks like a lost puppy, one who lost their bone. And I sigh feeling guilty for whatever reason. I roll on top of him, belly and all. I let our lips touch over and over, short kisses and long kisses. We continue to do this until we've memorized every kiss and I'm weak to the knees.


Eventually I have in and the smile that Harry wears is more than worth it. He's half asleep, his head against my chest as I play with the messy curls my fingers desire. His hands are wrapped around my stomach, running against the skin softly. Drawing circles in a act of comfort. And although I've been complaining on the blazing summer heat, the warmth of his skin against mine is the most beautiful thing I've experienced. "I can't even go a week without you with it not driving me insane." I whisper, not really meaning to but at the same time happy I did so. Her mumbles a series of 'agreed' and I just laugh. "I'm scared i won't be able to live without you."

"You won't have to." His British husky voice lays itself out and I feel every word against my chest.

The corner of my lips pull a curve but the beautiful moment we're experiencing is interrupted by the ringer of his phone in his jeans. "Who on earth would that be, Harry? It's nearly eleven!"

He shakes himself awakes and runs his hands through his natural bed head. Picking his jeans up off the floor, he pulls his phone from his pants and answers with a sleepily "hello?" I watch his body language, too tired to try and hear what's going on within the call. Boxers as soon around his waist and he stands with a hand on his hip. He goes from red and sweaty, to pale and clammy. His jaw drops but no words come out. "No! You can't do this!" He warns in his angers voice which sets me back. "You don't have that kinda control over me." Harry looks at me while still into the phone call completely. The look in his eyes is terrifying me and I swallow hard. "She's more important to me than any concert!" Is when I know this all is about me and his job. Choosing between the two. "I'm sorry Sir, but you have to realize where I'm coming from. You have to understand..." He pauses, "when." I scramble beneath the sheets and sit beside him with my arms around his shoulders. "And that's all you're giving us?"

"All they're giving us?" I whisper and Harry turns to me, kissing my cheek.

It's gonna be okay he whispers but by the looks of it, all he's doing is assuming.

This took me forever to write I don't know how you all don't hate me ahhhhhhhhhhhh I love you though.

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