Chapter Six.

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"Taylor, it's me."

I know that voice anywhere.

I break from my sobs and rush to the door, unlocking the switch and engulfing myself into his arms. My tears quickly damper his shirt and he walks me back into my room, closing the door behind us. His hands run up and down my back, all while holding me close. He pulls back, and wipes the tears from my eyes. "Why on earth is this beauty of an angel crying." He sighs.

"H-h-Harry." Is all I can remember how to say in some kinda stuttered, mumbled tone.

"What's wrong with my favourite person in the world?" His cute remarks are usually my undoing. They still are, but now in a different way.

"You're g-gonna h-ha-ate me-e." I look down, loosing his eye contact. I'm so vulnerable right row, this is not how I wanted It to go down. But just like everything else in my life, I'm not in control of how things go. It's bitter sweet that he's here. I don't know if I'm ready.

"I could never." He insists. But he has no idea what's coming. Shivers run down my spin as he guides me to the bed. A place where once was a place of heavenly exchanges of warmth and sensuality. Now, it's a cushion to rest on while I become the barrier of bad news. "Now tell me, what's wrong?" His lips touch my forehead which leads to goosebumps crawling up my arms. I hadn't seen him in a few weeks and this usually wasn't how our first encounters took place. It usually involved kissing, and embraces and love making. Not crying, especially not sad tears.

"I-I went to the doctors to-oday," I stumble, even though I'm trying not to. "And the news... It's not anything g-good." I wipe my eyes with the palm of my hand, moving excess tears. "There isn't any e-easy way to s-say this, Harry." I gasp for a breath.

"Whatever it is," he smiles, "I'm right there with you. Every step. Every obstacle. I'm with you. 100%."

My heart sinks. He has no idea what's coming. My lips become dry, although I'm constantly licking them. I feel dizzy, and empty. There wasn't a better time to say this than now. "I'm pregnant." I say, and for once, since I've gotten home, my words come out clear as day. There is no mistaking them. I'm pregnant.

I wait for Harry to react and it seems like hours before he does. I'm waiting for something. Anything. A dash for the door or yelling to start. A hug. A slap. Anything. I'm waiting for some kinda sign to let me know that he heard me. The sign I was least expecting escapes him. A smile forms at his lips. "Pregnant?" He asks and I shortly nod. He squeezes my hand, smile growing wider and dimples embedding themselves, "babe! This is amazing." He pulls me in for a hug but I'm way too thrown off.

I stand from his hold. A look of disgust smeared at my lips. "Amazing?!"

"Yes! Of course!" He's still sitting on the bed. His hands move from mine, to my stomach. "How far?!"

"No," I shake my head, pushing his hands away from my stomach.

"No?" He's clearly taken back, but as am I.

"We're not keeping it." I stare. Appalled at any other thought. "We cannot have a baby. I'm not ready! Surely, you're not!"

He stares at me and I'm lost on what he's thinking. "So what are your thoughts." He breaks the silence after awhile with his voice as soft as ever. Our eye contact breaks as he stares over his fingertips.

"I'm too far along for any kinda..." I lose my words, "abortion."

He looks up but not for long. "So what's this mean? Where does that leave us." If I didn't know any better I would think he was crying.

"I'll carry the baby for the next six months, and if everything goes like how's it's supposed to, it'll go to a family that will love it more than we ever could."

He pops his head up. "It?" He whispers.

"The baby."

He nods twice. "Yeah, okay." I walk closer and hold his cheeks in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"I love you. So much. I was terrified to tell you, I thought you would leave me."

"We've been together a year and 36 days. I'm never leaving."

A smile grows at my lips and I press them to his. "Thank you." I whisper


I hold Taylor in my arms until she's asleep. Her leg wrapped around mine, her head against my chest. She fits perfectly there. For a few moments I just watch her sleep. Her skin is fair, just as fair as it was the night a few short months ago.

That night still haunts me. And every time I try to bring it up, or give it the attention that it needs, she blows it off like she has no idea what I'm talking about. She does seam to be getting better though. Maybe what happened that night actually stuck with her. I see her eating, but that's never really been a problem. It's what happens afterward. And now that's she's carrying a child around, this just puts more pressure on both of us. Pressure on her to stay slim when it's impossible while being pregnant. Pressure on me to make sure she doesn't kill herself unintentionally in this whole process.

Pregnant. I'm brought back to the word. A baby. A child. A living being that was made solely on the love Taylor and I had for each other. I had to figure out a way to change Taylor's mind. Sure, we may be young. But I loved Taylor. More than I felt I could. I loved her with everything: heart, body, mind. The whole works! Having a family with her would be a dream. She would be an amazing mother. Whenever there are children around she goes full drive into mommy mode and it makes me love her even more. I wanted to raise our child. Together. As a family. The baby was ours, not some stranger that I have yet to meet.

My fingers run through Taylor's hair. She's beautiful. Her skin immaculate. My hand runs down her body, along the natural curve of her hip. I stop, slowly bringing it to her belly. She's sound asleep, so I inch my fingers closer. My fingers push their way between her shirt and skin. It's warm, which is normal for her. My fingers press themselves to her. My palm as well. I hold it there. For some reason, although I know it's hardly even a baby, I feel life. I feel hope. I feel... Love.


Hey guys. Sorry this is short! I'm hoping to make the average a little longer than this. Just so it doesn't become a drag on story nor a super short story. I hope y'all are liking this and it's not throwing you too off track (I have a habit in that)! So keep leaving your feedback, I love to read it. And an extra thanks to HAYLORSPARKS for voting on Beyond Me. I kinda died a little. (She wrote the most amazing fanfiction titled
irresistible. And if you haven't read it you need to drop everything your doing and read that now because it's worth it.) alrighty, well, have a good night!! And thank you for being so nice to me!

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