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Week 1:

The television screen shone brightly as people walked across. Joe and I were huddled together under one blanket still in each-other's arms. Although I hadn't been there long, I had still grown a connection with Joe as though we'd been friends forever and a half. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again there was a girl standing above me.

"Oh, good morning," she smiled at me. I looked over and realised I was rested on Joe's lap with a pillow under my head. I blushed and untangled Joe's limbs from my body. I pulled the sheet up to his chin instead and followed the girl to the kitchen. She started getting out two cups and making us coffee. "So, are you Joe's girlfriend?" she asked suddenly.

I laughed awkwardly and sighed,

"No, I'm not. I'm Adalyn," she looked over at me surprised,

"You're the guest mum was talking about?" she asked, I nodded, "Oh dear, sorry for getting in your personal business," she apologised. I smiled and told her it was no problem.

"I never caught your name," I told her,

"My name is Zoe, I'm Joe's older sister," she smiled and drank her coffee then handed me my cup,

"How much older than him are you?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"I'm technically a year and a half older but when he has his birthday his age is only a year younger. That's why he's fourteen and I'm fifteen," she explained. I understood and kept drinking my coffee. I didn't particularly enjoy coffee but I didn't want to be rude. The bitter taste hit my tongue causing my nose to crinkle in disgust and I hoped Zoe didn't notice, "Yeah, coffee doesn't taste that nice but it helps you wake up. Don't worry, I'm not a fan either," she said and crinkled her nose too.

We laughed about this and talked until the boys woke up. We exchanged numbers and social media names.

"Before you go, Zoe, can we get a picture?" we took a selfie and Joe photo bombed in the background. I tagged them both and captioned it 'hanging with the Sugg Siblings'. Zoe left to go her friend's house.

The boys and I sat around the table. They were all looking at me,

"Did you make breakfast Adalyn?" Oli whined. I smiled and shook my head,

"No bacon left," Caspar screamed and Graham came down the stairs,

"I heard Adalyn scream, is something wrong," we all laughed except Caspar who sat blushing. We explained what had happened, "Oh, I'll go get some bacon, is there anything else you'd need?"

He got back with two bags. One was filled with bacon rinds and the other had cake mixes.

We all dived into the bags and packed it away. I saw the cupcakes and looked over at Joe. He smiled at me and we grabbed the ingredients. Caspar and Oli grabbed utensils and we all started making the cupcakes. I started mixing the cake batter with Joe. Oli and Caspar started the icing.

"Hey, Ada can you get me the milk please?" he asked. I went to the fridge and something was pasted on my cheek. I turned around and Joe had some of the batter on his fingers. I wiped off my cheek and splashed him with the milk. "Ada, really?" he cried.

Caspar and Oli joined in and when we had finished Joe was covered in icing, batter, milk and flour. We all laughed as he wiped off his eyes.

"What a waste, we can't even make one cupcake," he smiled.

"Come on, we'd better clean up," I said, "I might need to shower though," I went to the sink to quickly wash my hands as Joe wrapped his arms around my waist. He smeared the batter on me as he lifted me into the air. I screamed out and the boys laughed. When he put me down I looked at my outfit, "Okay, now I definitely need a shower!"

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