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Week 6:

Joe had gone to bed but I was still awake. The nap on the plane must have helped. I went upstairs to my bedroom and put back on the necklace from Joe. I sat on the bed with the necklace fastened back in its usual area and watched YouTube. I decided to re-subscribe to Joe's channel when I saw a new video. It was from the eleventh of January. The day I had gone to stay with Tyler permanently. I clicked on the screen and it loaded.

'Hey guys,' he opened the video. His intro played and I waited, 'I know you guys love Ada. I must admit, I do too,' I was taken aback, 'But right now we aren't on good terms. In fact, she's just left to stay in Darwin. Permanently. I am working on a way to get her back, don't worry,'

"Wow," I laughed quietly.

'So now I give you a compilation of Ada,' this surprised me. A video of when I first entered the kitchen played. It showed me hiding behind my mum. Then it cut to Joe, Oli, Caspar and I baking. He had recorded us and the food fight. Then there were a few snippets from our truth or dare video. It went through with a few of our daily moments. Short videos of Joe and I or of the boys and I. I was surprised that he had managed to get such good footage without me knowing at the time. He had gotten a few angles from the video I had done with Louise and Zoe. There was also a video of me at the hospital while I was unconscious. Tyler, Ryan and Joey's videos had parts thrown in as well. Joe reappeared on the screen,

'That was my compilation of Ada. Tune in next week for another Sugg Sunday Special. Hoohoo!' the outro was played and I almost exited the video, 'Adalyn,' he was back on the screen. I checked how much longer to go, there was about another thirty seconds.

'If you're watching this then I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have said the things I had. I hope I can make it up to you. I am working on something. I will get you back, I promise,' and the video ended. I really didn't know what to say or what to do. I had a feeling in my chest. I'd never felt it before. It was as though something were tugging at my heart. I packed away my laptop and quietly slid into Joe's room across the hall. I sat down on his bed and hoped I hadn't woken him up. I slid a bit closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You watched my video," his hoarse voice broke the silence.

"I did," I whispered to him. I could tell he was embarrassed. He rolled over so I sat up off his shoulder.

"What I said at the start..." he trailed off.

"It's alright, Joe," I said, dismissing his comment of loving me, "I just want to know how you got the videos without me knowing," he shrugged.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he smirked at me. I lay back down on his chest and thought about what he'd said,

"But you're a YouTuber,"

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