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Week 4:

I took my phone off charge and saw a lot of messages from Joe. I ignored them and put my phone back on the bedside table. I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. I yawned as I poured it into my glass and sat at the table.

"Morning," Jackie smiled as she came around the corner,

"Morning, how are you," I smiled back and took a sip of my juice.

"I'm good, you don't look so well, darl," she pointed out. I shook my head,

"I had a bit of drama last night," I explained. She looked puzzled,

"Tyler isn't giving you trouble, is he?" she asked sternly. I laughed,

"No, it's from my friend back in Perth," I rested my head in my hand,

"That little Joe boy? What's he done?" she sat done beside me,

"Well, he thinks that I've left him and that I'm too busy to talk to him. He started spreading rumours about me and he's said some nasty things," I had finished my glass of juice now,

"Don't worry. He's just a boy, give him time," she patted my back, "Is there any food you'd like for your plane trip tomorrow?" She grabbed her purse and started heading for the door,

"No thank you," she smiled before exiting the house. I grabbed another glass of juice and went to watch t.v. It was a little while later that Ryan and Joey knocked on the door.

"Morning Ada," they both said,

"Morning boys," I led them over to the t.v. and we finished watching the episode.

"So, uh, we heard about you and Joe," Joey spoke up, "Is everything alright?" I had to think for a moment. On one hand, nothing was alright. I had lost a friend and he had lied about me. On the other hand, everything was alright. I was travelling and meeting new people. Ryan waved his hand in front of my eyes,

"Earth to Adalyn," he joked, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes and no. I've lost Joe but I'm happy. Does that make sense?" they both nodded. Joey checked his phone,

"Where's Tyler?" Joey changed the subject. I looked around; he wasn't out of his room yet,

"I'll go get him," I got up and wandered through the house to his room. I knocked on the door; there wasn't an answer so I peeked in. The room was empty. I went through to all the rooms and I knocked and I checked for him. I went back to the others,

"He's gone," I said and sat on the couch between Joey and Ryan.

"Who's gone?" I turned around. Tyler was standing in the kitchen with a pancake.

"Never mind," I said and he handed us all some pancakes. Tyler leaned over the couch and whispered in my ear,

"Can you show me the messages from Joe?" I got up and he sat where I was. I grabbed my phone and brought up the messages. I read through a few of the messages,

Joe: I'm not Hollywood

Joe: What does that even mean?

Joe: Ada, are you reading these

Joe: You said you wouldn't leave me

Joe: I can't believe you lied

They got worse the further I scrolled down,

Joe: if it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be famous!

Joe: No one would even know your name

Joe: Have fun with your life you snobby Hollywood brat

I couldn't help myself; I had to message him back.

Me: You know I didn't ask you for fame. If I remember, you went behind my back and recorded me when I asked you not to. I didn't lie. You encouraged me to go and I was coming back! Don't even think about talking to me you no good scumbag!

I took my phone downstairs and threw it at Tyler,

"Once you read them, delete them. I don't want those hateful words on my phone," I stormed back to the spare room and started packing my things. It had been about an hour when Tyler came back in with my phone. I deleted Joe's contact and let my phone charge.

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