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Week 1:

I washed my hair and changed into some short pants and a sweat shirt. I applied a light coat of makeup and curled the tips of my hair. I headed downstairs to the boys. They had a camera set up and were all sitting on the couch.

"Hey boys, what are you doing?" I asked while standing behind the camera.

"Ada, come sit down, we were just about to record a truth or dare video," Joe pushed Oli to the side and I sat beside him, "To see who goes first we were going to tell some jokes," he said.

"I'll go first," Caspar spoke up; we all turned to him, "Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom!" we all laughed at his joke and Joe went next.

"Why couldn't the pony sing himself a lullaby? He was a little hoarse," I patted him on the back,

"It's alright Joe, nice play on words," I said, "How to you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!" I laughed but no one else did. Oli finished our round with,

"Where do pencils go for vacation? Pencil-vania," no one laughed so Caspar won.

"Now guys, we play truth or dare. Caspar, you go first," we all turned to Caspar and he turned to me,

"Truth or dare Adalyn?" he asked.

"Dare," I smiled.

"I dare you to...kiss Joe," I blushed and turned to Joe. He was also blushing. I kissed his cheek and the boys both cooed at us.

"Oli, truth or dare?" I asked. He was still cooing and didn't here, "Oli, truth or dare," I repeated.

"Truth," he smiled,

"Can you touch your tongue to your nose?" he nodded and touched his nose.

"Eww, that's gross!" we all laughed. We took it in turns, Oli asked Caspar, Caspar asked me.

"Hey, guys you do realise I'm still here?" Joe asked.

"Joe, truth or dare?" I turned to him,

"Truth," he crossed his arms and waited. I thought and turned to the others, we whispered together and I looked over at him,

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" he was stunned that I asked him that,

"Uh yeah, I believe in it," he smiled, "Oli truth or dare?"

"Dare!" he cried out,

"I dare you to stand on your head and sing a Christmas song," Oli did the dare and turned to me,

"Truth or dare, Adalyn?"

"Truth," I smiled, I really didn't want to do another dare.

"Do you have any talents, if so what are they?" he asked.

"Well...I don't really have any..." I stated,

"That's rubbish Ada, you have so many talents," Joe spoke up. We both smiled at each other so I continued.

"Sometimes I sing, but not often,"

"Can you sing for us?" Joe asked. I shook my head, "Please Addy?" I took a deep breath,

"Only if you turn the camera off," I smiled as Joe got up and pushed the button to turn off the camera, "Okay, um I'll sing Mercy by Shawn Mendes,"

I closed my eyes and started singing,

'You've got a hold of me, Don't even know your power, I stand a hundred feet, But I fall when I'm around you. Show me an open door, Then you go and slam it on me, I can't take anymore, I'm saying baby...Please have mercy on me, Take it easy on my heart, Even though you don't mean to hurt me, You keep tearing me apart,' I ended it early because I didn't want to sing the whole song. I opened my eyes and the boys were all staring at me.

"Wow Adalyn," they all said, "That was amazing!" I looked down and smiled to myself,

"Not really, it's just a hobby," I got up to turn the camera back on so we could finish the video. The camera was still recording. I looked up at Joe and he looked away. I shook my head sadly and went to my room.

I locked the door behind me and there was a knock,

"Ada? It's Joe, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you,"

"Joe," I spoke through the door,

"Oh thank god, I thought you weren't going to talk to me,"

"Please don't call me Ada," I finished.

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