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Week 3:

Joe walked me to the airport and I dropped my luggage at the counter. I only had my carry-on bag now as we went through the metal detectors. I put my bag and phone on the conveyer belt and walked through the detectors.

Lights flashed bright red and an alarm whirred. I was pulled to the side to be frisked. The men started patting up and legs and along my arms,

"Okay, okay! That's enough. I know what it is," I pulled off my necklace but they continued the search. Once they'd finished I was put back through the detector and let go. "Can you put my necklace back on please Joe?" I handed it to him and lifted my hair. He brushed the back of my neck with is fingertips as he clipped it around my neck.

We waited together for my plane to board. Once my flight was called I turned to Joe,

"You'll be here when I get back?" I asked.

"Of course," I wrapped my arms around his neck and we hugged for a while. My flight was called again and I kissed his cheek before running off to the gate. The flight was over three and a half hours.

I jumped off the flight and ran through the crowd. I couldn't see Tyler so I climbed onto a seat. I looked above the crowd and saw some bright blue hair. I figured this was Tyler so I started walking towards it.

"Adalyn! Over here!" I turned around to see three boys; I recognised Ryan, Joey and Tyler. I went to them instead,

"Tyler, your hair isn't multi-coloured," I pointed out. He nodded,

"Well hello to you too, I'm guessing you know Ryan and Joey," he pointed to them,

"Hey," they both said. We grabbed my bags before heading outside,

"Is your mum going to pick us up?" I asked.

"Yeah she is, she's just over there," he pointed to a blue Honda Civic. We all climbed into the car,

"Hello dear, my name is Jackie and you'll be staying with me and Tyler," she explained as she drove us to the house. It was a beautiful little house, only single storey. It had a cute little garden with blooming flowers.

"This place is adorable," I smiled. Jackie thanked me,

"I tried to clean it as best I could, don't mind if it's messy," she said, leading us inside.

"I can take it from here mum," Tyler said,

"Oh, sorry to embarrass you darl," she said pinching his cheek. I laughed quietly and knew she was only acting. She winked at me as Tyler took my suit case to the spare room.

"Sorry about my mum," Tyler said,

"Its fine, I think she's really nice," I smiled. He went to the kitchen to grab the boys and me some food. I unpacked my clothes and sat on the bed. They came into the room with some chips and dip. We ate on the bed and crumbs were spread.

"So do you want to watch some Netflix?" Tyler asked,

"And chill," Joey laughed. Tyler blushed while Joey, Ryan and I laughed,

"Netflix yes, chill no," I smiled as we went to the lounge room. There were bean bags strewn across the floor so I sat on one of them,

"Come sit on the couch with us," Ryan patted the seat beside him,

"No thanks," I lay back in the bean bag; I had decided not to get too close to the boys because I was only staying for a week. I watched as Tyler flicked through the movies,

"What movie?" he asked. He continued flicking through them,

"Babadook?" I suggested, Joey shivered,

"Uh uh, no way. That movie is creepy!" he shivered again. I smiled to myself thankful that I didn't have to watched it,

"Alright, how about 'she's the man'?" I asked. They nodded and we spent the next hour or so watching the movie.

I started yawning quite a bit and the guys noticed,

"Hey babe, maybe you should go to sleep," Tyler said. I laughed,

"Okay 'babe'" I quoted with my fingers. I lay back in the bean bag as they started another movie. Someone started lightly shaking my shoulders,

"Come on Adalyn, I think it's time you went to bed," Ryan was standing above me, the credits of the movie were rolling and I rubbed my eyes sleepily,

"Okay, I think you're right," I went to wish Joey and Tyler goodnight but they'd fallen asleep. I was stumbling around a bit so Ryan put his arm around my shoulders and guided me to my room, he went to close the door but I stopped him, "Ryan, this is really awkward to ask but would you mind just sitting by my bed for a bit?"

"Sure, why?" I climbed under the sheets and he sat beside me,

"I'd just gotten used to the presence of Joe while falling asleep so..."

"I get it," he said. I closed my eyes and even though there was a presence in my room, it still didn't feel quite right. I tossed and turned that night once Ryan had left and it struck me,

"I miss Joe," I whispered.

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