Sweet Surprise

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Opening my tired eyes I stand up for the bed making my to the bathroom, starting my morning routine. Walking to the kitchen to make some breakfast I check my phone seeing that I had a tones of notifications in twitter and Instagram.
I haven't talked to Jensen since our little fight, it hurts that he thinks that I'm the kind of woman that is with every guy that she finds but I let it go, is not the first time that somebody call me a whore or something. I did have a tone of messages of him apologizing but days later is like he stopped trying. I thought that we have a little connection after that day at the convention, I was not paying attention to him and that's what makes him angry. I won't talk to him or even apologize for nothing. First I though that he was jealous hell that he will even realize that he likes me but no, we lost connection. I still wish that he realizes that he is the one that is wrong.

Finishing my breakfast I make my way to the living room to watch some Netflix. Stopping my steps after hearing the doorbell ring, I sigh and walk to the door a bit irritated that I couldn't even turn the TV on to watch Orange Is The New Black.

Opening the door I have the most unexpected surprise.

"Hey" he said with a smile holding a pair of roses.

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