This is Bad.

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The first time it was negative, I couldn't believe it, the second time that it was negative it ruined my relationship, then this third time I don't know how is gonna be.

I thought that it was gonna be different but I see that I wasn't gonna be a mother.

It all began last week when I was in my apartment relaxing, when I felted the blood so much blood that I know what it was gonna be next: A breakup.

Just two days that I left the hospital with hopes up, it was ruined. No baby and now no boyfriend. I don't know how Jensen is going to react, I know that he wants a family and I couldn't give him that.

The only person that did know my pregnancy is Genevieve and she promised me that she won't say anything. But the hard part is seeing the heartbreak on Jensen's face. He's was gonna blame me for not telling him or because I have been avoiding him this week.

It was work, home and hospital trying to get an explication. And no single word from him. I don't blame him this time it was on me.

Walking to the makeup trailer I see Elena one of the makeup artist that treat me like family since the first day.

"Hi Ashley how you been?" She ask with a smile on her face

"I'm great how are you?" I lied taking a seat to start the makeup

"I'm super!" God I wish I had that spirit in this moments. I laughed drinking from my coffee.

"So have you and you know talked yet?"

"Well no but I think I might talk to him after shooting" I say with a nervous tone.

"Hey no need to be nervous you did nothing wrong, he was the only one who lied"
wrong I'm the liar here.

I'm making him look like the bad one. When the truth is that we are both wrong.

The smell sulfur and dirt hit my nose as I walked thru the set looking at the three guys sitting peacefully. A green eye man look at my eyes with an painful expression. That hit me hard. All the memories of last week came flying in my head, the blood running down my thighs, the doctors with a sad faces but what hurt me the most is looking those sad green eyes.

"Earth to Ashley" a familiar voice said Mark Sheppard was clapping his hands trying to get my attention.

"Oh what?" I ask at Mark that was laughing at my reaction.

>>concentration Ashley come on<<

"Ashley, Jared and Jensen please come, we are starting" the director shouted at us.

Oh God this is gonna be a long day.

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