Cry me a river.

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This was it.
This is the moment.

Walking to Jensen's trailer holding my pregnancy papers I nock the door to see a pretty black haired girl opening the door.

My heart stopped.

"Who are you?" She ask demanding with a hand on her hip.

"The question is who are you?" I ask with force, this bitch is not gonna mess with me.

"I'm a friend of Jensen you?" She responded holding her hair in a messy bun only to show little marks on her neck.

Oh my god.

"I was his girlfriend and you two can go to hell" I said holding my hand up to slap her but a bigger hand stops me.

"Ashley don't do this" I heard Jared holding my arm, I turn around facing him.

"Why not?! Huh because you are defending this whore!" I screamed slamming my fist on his chest.

"No because I don't want you to lose your freaking job!" He said holding my arm again.

"Stop it you two!" Jensen voice interrupts our fight. He's running with Misha that was close steps behind.

"Ashley calm down!" Jensen shouts holding my waist.

"Don't touch me you piece of shit!" I scream and gripped out of his hold. I slap him with so much force making a mark on the left side of his face.

"Here you go you shit I don't have time for your fucking little games!" I throw the pregnancy papers at him running to my car.

That's why I didn't want to fall in love.

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