I'm sorry

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Jensen's pov:

"What the hell was that?!" Jared shouted at me with an angry expression.

"I-I don't know..." responded but knowing what this was about.

"Well imma keep going see ya Jensen" Jennifer said trying me a peck on the lips but I enter my trailer. Not wanting to talk to anyone wishing that Misha and Jared won't follow me.

Wrong, they sit on one of the chairs and looked at me with anger. Especially Jared.

"Jensen if this what I think...you did wrong" he sighed slowly

"You think" I responded sarcastically looking at the papers that Ashley throw me, opening the folder. Confused I read the papers.

Ashley Nicole Robbie
Gender: Feminine
31 October of 1986
Cause of visit: a failed pregnancy

The woman visited Doctor Mendez office on March 3 of 2016. Feeling sick she decide to take a special treatment for the baby. The treatment was not healing the pregnancy problems she decided to have a normal one. After a couple of days she call us on a emergency telling that there was blood and a huge pain on the lower stomach, this cause the baby's death.

Ashley the last four years had lost 3 babies. For Ashley is impossible to have a normal pregnancy.

For this cause we want to Ashley to visit a psychiatrist for mental health.

We are gonna be the one to check on her physical health.

In this cause we decided to stop every treatment for the rest of the year. We hope that she get's well.

This is all my fault.

Tears run down my face. I couldn't believe it I was gonna be a dad and I was such an ignorant. The hot tears blur my vision, I put my hands on top of my head not knowing what to do.

Jared and Misha must be looking at me like I'm some crazy dude. Jared take the papers and start reading them at fast as he could. His eyes widened in shock as he realizes what is happening.

"She was pregnant, she lost the baby I-I I'm such an idiot!" I shout Jared put his hand on my shoulder trying to confort me but he can't, knowing that my girlfriend went thru all that and I wasn't there for her it destroys me.

"So Gen did know it. That's why she was acting strange when i talked about Ashley" Jared says in a low calm voice.

"I-I have to g-go" I said and got out of my trailer. Looking for my car, when I found it I got in and start the car on full speed.

I have to talk to her.
I have to apologize.

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