I love you.

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"So I was wondering if you could tell us your story with Ashley?"
A girl dressed as Castile asked with pleading eyes. Jensen chuckled and nodded.

"Well, as you know Ashley joined the Supernatural cast in season 12. When we met each other I was surprised with the awkward short girl that actually stole my heart in two days of shooting" Jensen smiled and looked at the blonde woman sitting beside him, she smiled and blushed in return.
"I was really nervous when it came to talk to her or even work with her. I fell in love, I mean she's beautiful but her shyness and cuteness makes my heart melt every single time. So after a couples of days- weeks I would say, I ask her out, she though I was just asking her out in a friendly way but God... she had no idea. So we had the date everything went well very well. The hard part was that I had to tell her how I felt, and since she was special I made something even more special for her. That was the moment when I bought her the roses and took her to a nice little breakfast. When I told her I was like 'okey Ashley I need to tell you something, I have been holding into this a long time' I was cover in sweat and she was laughing like a maniac. Confused I asked, she was still laughing and said 'I know Jensen. I love you too' it turns out that SOMEBODY told her what I was gonna do and say" he joked and looked at Jared that hold his arms up in defense.

"Hey I was helping! Thank you by the way!" He said and stood back. The crowd laughed at Jared reaction.

"Anyway! So we hit it off pretty quickly that day. We have been through hell and back, but we are still together better than ever. I could tell that she was pretty nervous about meeting Justice but the got along till the moment that I think that she loves her more than me but... I love that about our family" he smiled and took Ashley's hand and intertwined their fingers. The crowd made an 'aww' noise, while Jared was making fun of the two lovebirds.

"So know I decided to take the long way without telling anybody and..." he stood up and search on his back pocket. Everybody gasped at the scene.

"Ashley Robbie my gorgeous girlfriend and best friend you are the best thing that ever happened to me beside our beautiful family, would you marry me?"

Ashley shocked couldn't say anything so she just nodded furiously. Tears were streaming down her face, everybody clapped and celebrated.

"Thank you Robin, for everything. I'm sorry for every problem that I caused you, I love you and I'm glad that you said yes my love." She smiled at the nickname

"Don't worry Batman, I love you too, don't forget that" she kissed her and soon there was a tall moose ruining the romantic moment.

He shouted at the crowd and started running like crazy.

"So Ashley how do you feel that your last name isn't gonna be Robbie anymore uh?"
"Well I'm gonna be an Ackles I can't complain"

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