This time we can make it work.

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Being sick is never good.

Trust me feeling nauseous and lightheaded is horrible. The good thing is that you always have your boyfriend by your side. But is never good when you have been five days this way.

Making my way to my bedroom I sit on the bed with my hand on my stomach, I feel it. I was gonna trow up for the second time this day. I run to the bathroom sticking my head down the toilet it all comes up.


"Ashley baby are you here?" I hear Jensen's voice, his footsteps coming near the bathroom.

"I'm Here..." I whispered weakly, his face turned from normal to worried.

"Babe are you sure your okay?" He asks on a concern voice.

"No dickhead I'm fine I'm just throwing up the breakfast we had." I responded sarcastically.

"Okay then... someone's one bad mood" he murmured

Then it hit me.

"Jensen when was the last time we had sex?" I ask trying to stand up but failing.

"I think it was on the weekend oh shit..." Then he realized "Babe do you think you can be...?" He ask helping me to stand up.

"I don't think so but I-I think that is better if we check" I say and he nodded "I'm gonna go change then we ca-"

"No there's no way! I'm going alone you stay here. If we are having a baby you are sensitive, now the question are you hungry?" He asked like exited kid on Christmas.

"I'm starving" I responded

"Oh my god I'm going to the pharmacy real quick! I won't take long. I will bring food what do you want?"

"I want McDonald's"

"No that's not healthy" he crossed his arms thinking "I think it's better a salad"

"No! I want MacDonald's" I and crossed my arms like him faking to be angry.

"Okay okay your lucky your gorgeous, now imma go" he said and kissed my forehead "I love you"

"I love you too, now go I'm starving"

Minutes later I was watching TV in some new pijamas and eating some potato chips.

A crazy Jensen stormed into the apartment with food and a little box in hand.

"Okay now go if you don't want I will make you take this test myself" He said handing me the little box I run to the bathroom but suddenly a hand around my arm stopped me.

"Ashley what ever happens just remember that I love you no matter what" he said and kiss my lips gently.

"I love you too"

Running to the bathroom with Jensen behind me. I closed the door, this time hoping that is positive.

"Are you sure you don't need me in there?" He's voice interrupted my concentration to see the results.

"N-No don't worry" I responded with shaky voice.

"Is everything alright?" He voice sounded more close than usual letting me know that he was standing in front of the door.

Then the test show the results.
Two red bars
++ positive.

I gasp escaped my mouth trying to see that it was true.

I was gonna be a mom.

"Ashley is everything okay?" He sounded more worried than usual.

Opening the door with tears in my eyes, I show him the test. His eyes widened in shock.

"I'm gonna be a dad again. OH MY GOD" he screamed in excited, he picked me up hugging me.

"I thought I-I couldn't. I thought it was impossible"

"Well now you see. I love you Ashley I love you so much" he said with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too so much" I hugged him again.

"Thank you Ashley" he said and kissed my top of my head.

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