Bad Date

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I sigh sitting in my couch waiting for Jensen. He text me saying that I should get ready because we were going to dinner, but I think that isn't happening. Walking to my bedroom changing into some pijamas I check my phone to see no new messages. Before falling asleep I hear the bedroom door opens then slightly shutting this one. Heavy footsteps started walking to my bed, I didn't have to turn around to now who it was, "I know you are not asleep" he mumble softly touching my hair "Why are you late? I though we were going to dinner" I ask turning to face him, he sat on the bed and said "I know it's just work I'm sor-" "Its fine" I cut him off "I know how work is don't apologize" I smile
"What? no! I leave you hanging" he said grabbing my face stroking my cheeks with his thumps "It's Fine really.." I close my eyes leaning to his touch. Suddenly I feel his lips on mine in a sweet gentle kiss. Soon I was in his lap making out, he's hands found the end of my shirt taking this one off.

Soon enough we were making love after a bad date.

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