Meet Ashley

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                Parking my car in front of Jensen's house and making my way to the door nervously, I nock the door tree time before Jensen open this one with a smile on his face. "Hi... JJ is in her room I'm gonna tell her to come downstairs" he said pecking my lips as he make his way to JJ's room, I sat down on one of the black couches and wait. Hearing footsteps directly to downstairs I hear Jensen's voice "So there's someone I really want you to meet" she hum in response and he continues "so her name is Ashley and she's really special to me so you're  gonna be nice okay?" She nodded her head, standing up from the couch. I smiled happily and a bit nervous "Hi JJ..." I said and she gasped with big eyes she said happily "Oh my... She's Harley... She's Harley Quinn!"  jumping into my arms I laugh at her reaction and she puts herself down taking my hand in the process we started walking to her bedroom "I'm gonna make you pretty like a princess" she said with a giggle.

           I started following her to her huge bedroom that was decorated with cute princesses. I sat on the pink bed while she was getting her own little makeup set
"Now I need you close your eyes because I'm gonna put you some makeup and we don't want you to get hurt" she said shaking her head dramatically I smile and did what she said.

       "Now you can open your eyes we are done" opening my eyes I noticed Jensen standing in the doorframe with a smile on his face "How do I look?" I ask smiling
"Gorgeous" JJ said squishing her cheeks together like she's surprise. Taking the mirror that was beside me and looking at my reflection I saw that I was wearing the same Harley Quinn makeup that I use in the movie but without my tattoos. "Wow this is just Wow" I said surprised "You are a talented girl JJ" she giggled and hugged me. "Now girls why don't we go and get some ice cream" Jensen suggested and JJ screamed excited.

Minutes later I posted a pretty selfie of my two sunshines in my twitter.

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