I'm sorry 2

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Ashley's pov:

Sitting on my couch with the events of this evening still running in my head. I hug myself fighting tears to not fall but the betray me and the salty hot tears run down my face like a waterfall.

I still couldn't believe it but the worst of all is that I throw the papers at him now he knows everything, and that what I didn't want.

Fast nocks on the door cause me to stand from the couch, wiping the tears from my face as I open the door only to see him standing there with tears running down his face.

My heart breaks even more just seeing him like that.

He's holding my pregnancy papers with shaky hands but doesn't move and neither do I.

"I'm so sorry" he whispers entering my apartment trying to hold me anyway that he could but I reacted just in time.

"It doesn't matter you can go now" I said firmly looking at him with anger.

"I-I didn't know I'm so so sorry Ashley" he mumbled

"Jensen don't you dare to say that you didn't know because that wouldn't have stop you to be with that whore!" I shouted "but you know what? is for the best! maybe if you go to her she can give you what you want can she!"

"A-Ashley don't do this you know that I love you" He said in a whisper and that made more angry.


"Ashley you know that I love you and I would never do this again just give a chance please" he tried once again to reach for me but I moved.

"A CHANCE YOU KNOW HOW MANY CHANCES I HAVE GIVE YOU JENSEN" I said "BUT FIRST LET ME START THAT YOU WENT TO A FUCKING PARTY WITHOUT TELLING ME PROBABLY HOOKIN UP WITH SO WHORE AND MAYBE YOU DID KNOW THAT I WAS PLANING A FREAKING CELEBRATION FOR THE FUCKING BABY BUT YOU LET ME HANGING" I screamed my lungs out but when I realized what I said a gasp escaped my mouth as soon as I covered "Y-You should g-go" I said walking to open the door but he grabbed me by my waist hugging me tightly. He dropped to his knees still hugging my waist.

"I-I didn't know that we were having a baby or anything but if I did know it I would have been with you every minute. I'm sorry that girl that you saw in my trailer was just an ex' but I swear to god that we didn't do anything because the moment she was there I though you were done with me and I was just using her to try to get you. When I read the papers I was surprised and I felt like such an ignorant. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were pregnant I'm sorry for not being there for you when you most needed me" I was in complete shock.

"J-Jensen w-we can't be t-together I-I can't be with you when i can't give you a family that you want I-"

"Stop, I don't care if you can or not I want you no matter what" he said and standing on his feet taking my face with his hands wiping the tears "I love you Ashley no matter what" he whispered with his forehead pressed to mine. 

"I love you Jensen" I whispered and he kiss me slow and sweet just like the first time.

"I'm gonna buy you the most beautiful diamond in the whole world just for you to forgive me" he chuckled

"You don't have to do that because what I want right now is to be with you" I say in a low voice

"I love you Ashley Robbie"

"And I love you Jensen Ackles"

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