Hollywood News

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Hello everyone this Sara Watson and welcome to Hollywood News.

So lately you guys have been requesting this video for a long time and is about once again Ashley Robbie.

So the question is; is Ashley pregnant?

Well we can't answer that correctly but we do have pictures of her and a little plumb belly on the latest conventions.

Like the one she did with Jared Padalecki on march 10, exactly and that has been the latest pic that we have of her. But If you see the pictures her stomach is a little big. But I personally think that she is because come on she's totally in love with her boyfriend Jensen Ackles and she did let us know on twitter and Instagram. And who doesn't want to see Ashley with a little kid in her arms she's adorable with kids!

And what we personally know is that this couple will do beautiful baby's.
Just look at Justice Jensen little girl she's beautiful even though she's not Ashley kid.

But Ashley loves her either way!

I say that if Ashley's pregnant let her live her life and let her be happy.

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