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"Oh shit!!! I forgot to ask for his number!!!" And I immediately took my phone and started scrolling through the contacts to call John, when I read a new contact and it's Alex's name!!! "Damn it, maybe I forgot that he gave his number!!! I really got wasted last night!!!"

Few days have passed and I got so busy with work again. "I am so tired!! I can't wait for my day off, I can't wait to have fun with Alex and John again!!!"Before I know it, a few weeks passed and it's already my time off from work.

"Great it's now my break! Time to contact them!!" I pulled my phone and started calling Alex.
The phone rang three times and then a voice answered It.  

 "Hey!" It said. 

"Hi, Alex!!! Are you free tonight? Wanna hang out again?"I said

"Yeah, sure dude!! It's also my day off from the hospital!!! Totally want to find some hot chicks!!" Alex said.

"hahahaha sure dude!!! See you tonight, I'm gonna call John too. "
I said and hung up.  

 I dialed John's number next and a woman's voice answers it. "the number you have dialed is out of coverage area. Please try again later." Beep beep beep...
"Damn!! John is Prolly busy. Gotta call him later then. "

 I called him again  after a few hours and he picked up at last.
"Hey John, why aren't you picking up?
"Dude, I'm kinda busy with work."
"Oh ok, I thought you can hang out with Alex and I but you're pretty busy so prolly next time then." I said
"Yeah dude, it sucks man, I have so much to do. Enjoy yourselves man!"
And he hung up.  

 Then later that night. I met with Alex to hang out with him again. Although this time, John is not with us.
"Hey Alex!" I greeted him and we bump our fists together.

"Where's John? "Alex asked

"He's pretty busy with work, he says he can hang out with us next time. "I replied. 

"Ok dude, let's just have fun tonight and find some hot chicks!!!" Alex said 

"Oh Yeah!!!" I replied. We went and hit on some chicks and party and get drunk again.

After partying, so much. We decided that it's time we got home.

"I've had so much fun tonight dude!! Let's do this again!!! Yeah!!!"
Alex said. 

"Hell yeah!!!" I agreed.

"Bye dude!! Just contact me when we'll hang out again ok!!"Alex said.

"Yeah, I will. Bye!!" and we bump fists again. He went inside his car already tipsy and drove home.  

I drove home, good thing the bar is just a few miles away from my apartment.  I wonder how far is Alex's place. "Can he still drive? Because he is already tipsy. " I wondered to myself as I drove home.

Then I went back to my usual routine, going to work then back to my apartment to rest.

 Few months have passed and Alex and I became good friends. He is so fun to be with and he's really cool. Really, he's so much fun to hang out with, more fun than John, I admit. We always hang out and have guys' night out and it's so exciting. I really enjoy my  break from my tiring work as a surgeon.  

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