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Six months have passed since I have made my decision.

I have thought and planned about it thoroughly.

Everything is ready. I have booked my flight to Thailand. I also have booked an appointment at the hospital where I will have my sex realignment surgery and transition from a man to a woman.

I have filed my resignation at the Phoenix hospital.

I have packed my stuff at the condominium, I am ready to transfer anytime.

I have packed the things I needed for the travel.

I just gotta call my family about my decision and tell Alex that I am leaving.

I flipped through my phone and started calling my family- my mom.

"Hi Ken, how are you? We miss you so much. How's your work?" Mom said.

" Hi, mom. I miss you all of you too. I am good. And I need to tell you something." I said in a serious tone.

"What is it, Ken?" She said in an alarmed tone.

" I inhaled deep. Mom, I know that I must say this personally but I don't want to be delayed. I want to do this as much as possible.
Well,here this goes....

Mom, I will become a woman.
I know, this is a surprise but this for love. Yeah, I am crazy. Crazy in love with this woman. That is why I gotta do this." I said.

There was silence and then I heard crying.
"Ken!!! Have you gone mad!!!??!?!?!? Why are you doing this? How?" She said hysterically.

" Mom, the woman I love is in love with a woman too, that is why I am gonna risk it all for her love. I am ready to sacrifice everything." I said firmly.

" Ken, think this through first!!! She is not the only woman in the world!!!" She shouted.

" I know, but I have never been sure about anything except this. I love her and I am ready to do anything for her. I know you will not understand now, but someday, I hope all of you will understand what I had to do. What I need to do. Goodbye, mom. You can all contact me when you are ready to accept my decision." I said.

"Ken, no!!! Don't do this!!! If you do, you will have no family anymore!! We won't allow this!!!" Mom said desperately.

"I'm so sorry." I said and hung up.

Now , the only thing left to do is bid farewell to Alex.
The hardest part.

I have my stuff ready for the travel. I will fly tonight. I sold all my stuff because I won't be needing those anymore after I become a woman.They are ready for pick up and to be delivered.

I waited for her to arrive.

Finally, she arrived.

She looked at me and my bag.

"Hey, where are you going?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Alex, I am sorry, I will tell you this on such a short notice.

I am leaving for good. I will transfer overseas. I will work there." I said flatly.

"What?!No way!!! Is this a prank?!?" Alex said. She is so surprised.

" I am sorry, I am just telling you now. It's just I have no time and I don't know how to tell you." I replied.

"Woah! This escalated quickly!! Does Teresa know this?!?" She asked.

" No,that is why I hope you can tell her for me." I said

"Wow!!! This is a surprise dude!! You should have told us sooner!! We didn't prepare a farewell party!!" Alex exclaimed.

"It's ok. It is my fault. My flight is tonight. And don't worry about my stuff because will be picked up later." I said.

"Woah, dude!! At least let me see you off!!" Alex said.

"Wait, I'll call Teresa. I hope she isn't busy." She added.

"Really, it's ok dude." I said.
But she ignored me and started calling Teresa.

"Hey, Ken is going overseas tonight for good!!! We must see him off!" Alex said.

Then she paused and listened to Teresa's reply.

"Oh, I see. Ok, he will understand that." She said and hung up.

" Teresa cannot go, she is at the hearing of one of her clients. But she sent her regards to you and is angry at you for telling us in such a short notice" Alex said.

"I am really sorry. But I have to go now." I said.

"How about your car?" Alex asked

"Let me drive you there at least. And I'll see you off at the Airport." Alex said.

"Stop it. It hurts leaving you and saying goodbye. Don't make this any harder for me than it already is. This is why I decided to tell you in such a short notice. I might change my mind and stay here with you!!"I thought to myself

I am doing this for you, Alex and you still don't know anything...
You are so cruel...

"I'll just take a taxi."I briefly replied

"No, Ken. I insist." Alex said firmly.

"Ok." I agreed.
Damn, if only you knew you are  my weakness..

"Dude, you are really full of surprises!!" Alex said while driving.

" Sorry, dude. Thank you for letting me stay at your condominium. Thanks for everything."

"No problem, dude. Teresa and I will miss you. Enjoy your stay there. I can't believe that you are gonna stay there for good." Alex said.

"Yeah, thanks again. I will miss you too...

...And Teresa too.
Damn! I almost let that slip! I need to control myself.

Before I knew it, we have arrived.
Damn, it felt so quick. I want to talk with her more.

We have arrived just on time.

"Dude, sorry Teresa can't see you off too." Alex said and went closer to me.

She hugged me.

My heart started beating fast again.

"Teresa and I will miss you." she whispered in my ear. Then she patted my back and freed me from her embraced.

"Take care,dude." she said and tapped my shoulder.

"Thanks." I briefly said.
I am still stunned. I wished that moment lasted forever.

And I heard the voice. I need to board the plane.
I waved goodbye to Alex.
She waved back and flashed her stunning smile at me. I was breathless.
"This is all for you, Alex." I said and turned my back on her without looking back.
She does not know that seeing me off is everything to me. It made me happy
I boarded the plane.

Why do we say goodbye? When I feel that there's no good in it at all?
My eyes just won't keep dry, Every tear is a waterfall
I'm holding on. To all the memories I can recall
Now I cherish every moment, Big or small

Now that you're gone. I hold on To all the laughs we shared And I'll never forget your smile

We've said hello a million times
The hardest thing to do is say goodbye.
It's so hard to say goodbye

Not a day comes, That I won't wish you were near
But where ever you are, I'm still holding you right here, here in my heart

I hope and pray,That I'll see you once again
'Til then I'll be looking forward to that day.

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