Ginger Snap

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Rey's POV
I'm two hours in to my five hour shift. I've been working here for about a week and a half and I'm starting to recognize who the regulars are now.

"Hey. You want your lunch break yet?"

"Sure."  I reply to Han.

I walk back into the employee room where Han always has a pepperoni pizza sitting out for us. "Hey Chewy." I ruffle Han's dog's fur. "Want a pepperoni?" He begs and gives puppy dog eyes. "Well since you begged adorably."

I peel off one and throw it to him. He catches it in his mouth then goes back to his bed in the corner. I pull out my phone.

F: Bring me home pizza woman!

R: Walk the 10 mins here and get it yourself woman!

F: I am a man!

R: a lazy one at that :P

F: I'm working

R: Take a break from work

F: I already did

R: you mean you actually turned off your video games aka work and fed yourself?

F: no.

R: then come get it yourself! ttyl

I resilence my phone. 10 minutes left... I check my Facebook. Nothing new. Breaks over. I slide my phone away and head back out to the hostess stand.

"Hey, what zone do you want me in now?" I ask Johanna.

"How about you cover my zone while I go on lunch?"

"Sure no problem. That's zone A right?"

"Yeah. From the hostess stand to the arcade." Johanna says.

"Ok, have a good lunch."

I turn back to the podium and check how many she has left me with. one, two. Two tables? No problem.

The door opens and I smile and look up. Problem.

Here comes Ben and Hux.

The other girl here this afternoon, Maya, heads over here.

"Hello, welcome. Table for 2?" I smile and ask Ben.

He nods and smile. I grab the menus and look at Maya with a help me! look. She catches it and smiles back at me and takes the menus. "Right this way." Maya says and gestures to her side.

"Can we actually sit on this side?" Ben asks and points to my section.

"Sure." Maya contuines fake smiling at him and Hux eyes are chest.

They walk away and Ben glances over his shoulder at me. A-hole is following me.

Han walks up to me at the hostess stand. "What does that loser want?"

"Which loser?" I ask.

"That thing that came from me, Leia, and too many drinks."

"Oh Ben? I think he's following me, trying to get me to go on a date with him."

"I don't think so, I actually would approve of you which means he can't use you to piss me off." I laugh slightly. "Wait, what other loser would I be talking about?"


"Oh yeah, that creep, I wouldn't call him a loser, but maybe Ginger Snap. He gets mad about the littlest stuff."

"Like what?"

"Ben took one of his nachos once, I get that he did ordered the nachos, but Ben paid for them and he had taken like half of Ben's fries."

"He got mad over a nacho?"

"Yeah. Kicked his chair over and stomped off."

"What a baby."

"I think you mean what a Ginger Snap."

We laugh and Ben looks over.

"Sup Old Man?"

"Nothing much Accident." Han says and walks off with a grin.

Maya grins and hands me their drink order, then walks pass me back to her tables.

I sigh and head back to my waitress station to make them. Cherry coke and a Sprite.

I head back out and place their drinks on the table. "What can I get for you boys?"

"I'll have a meat lover calzone and your number please." Ben hands me his menu with a smirk. I give a sarcastic smile and take it.

"And for you?"

"Same thing with an addition of a piece of that ass." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Don't make me bitch slap you, Ginger Snap."  I yank his menu away and walk off.

Ben's POV
"Thanks a lot asshole." I kick Hux underneath the table.

"Ow, what?"

"Do I have to clearly call dibs or make it clear your the wing man like the idiot you are?"

"How was I supposed to know you were trying to tap that?"

"I'm not trying to tap that." I mock him. "I'm trying to get her to go out on a date with me. "

"Why didn't you say so."

"I clearly asked her for her number, then you chimed in with the that ass line." I glare at him. "Man, you're such an asshole. Next time I'm bringing Gwen."

"What?" Hux looks hurt.

I roll my eyes and lean back. "Screw this, now I need to do damage control." I pull my phone out.

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