Finn's Faith

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(In case video doesn't show up there)

A/N: Video is FinnRey, but I using it for their friendSHIP. In other news, I wrote this while sitting in the hospital actually. Grandma fell and broke her hip, so this will give me time to write while she sleeps.
Please enjoy and I love you all! ❤
Comment below your reaction 😘

Chapter dedicated to rey_and_kylo_reylo , Reylo_is_My_Halo  , ThatBubbleGumBxtch , johannaistrash, and lanamarie03.

Thank you for commenting on the last chapter. Especially the spam from ThatBubbleGumBxtch lol. Go check out her new story 'Polarized' it's also Reylo and johannaistrash has a new book out called 'You're nkt my Daddy and I'm not your Dolly' They're both really good!

Rey's POV
I wake from the floor where my head lays on Ben's lap and my body shivers from the cold floor and air conditioning.

I lean up, wiping my face free of the dried tears.

I see Gwen and Hux holding hands across from us. I think they like each other, but won't admit it.

I look at Ben who's at peace sleeping up against the wall.

I stand and begin to stretch my legs, tying my hair up in a messy bun.

I walk over to the nurse's station. "Any news on Finn Storm?"

"Still in surgery dear." She apologetically smiles.

"Where's the restroom?"

"Down the hall on the right."

"Thank you."

I walk down and enter the bathroom. I rinse my face and take a few deep breaths.

Ben's POV
I wake slowly and notice Rey gone.

I run a hand through my hair and look down and up the hall.

"Gwen. Hux." I say getting up. "Gwen. Hux." I say louder. I shake Gwen. "Gwen, wake up."

"Huh?" She stirs awake uneasy. "Where's Rey?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

Hux wakes and stretches. "What's going on?" He looks around. "Where's Rey?"

"That seems to be the question of the morning." Gwen replies and stands up from her chair.

I hear a door open and look in the direction to see Rey.

I smile at her and she's gives a sad smile back.

"Good morning beautiful." I welcome her into my arms.

"Morning." She mumbles into my chest.

"Excuse me." A man's voice says and I look up releasing Rey. "Are you here for Finn?"

"Yes." Rey says before I can.

"I regret to inform you, but he didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

I'm in complete shock. Finn was such a fighter, a great guy, he deserved more in life, and now he's just gone.

"Can I see him?" Rey asks.

WARNING: I needed tissues. You will too.

Rey's POV
I open the door to where they are keeping Finn.

There's a nurse cleaning him free from the great amount of blood around.

I look down at his face which is clear.

"Was he your boyfriend?"

The nurse asks. I shake my head. "Best friend and roommate."

"I'm sorry for your lost." He looks over at me.

I contuine my stare at Finn.

The nurse tosses the red rag away and grabs a new clean white one and contuines his work.

"May I?" I ask pointing to Finn's hand.

"Go ahead. I'll give you a minute." The nurse steps out.

I hold Finn's hand and wait for his eyes to open.

"Finn, I just wanted to say I love you. I'm going to greatly miss you." I take a deep breathe. "I won't ever forget your smile, or your laugh, how you would always take care of me. You knew me so well. When I start a family one day with Ben. I'll name our first child after you. I don't care if it's a boy or girl. It'll be named Finn after their uncle Finn." I squeeze his hand. "You meant so much to me and I never told you. I'm sorry." A tear escapes. "You were my roommate and best friend, you were the one who cheered me up when I was down, the one who knew everything was going to be okay, the one who helped me get out of this depressed state of mind and let myself be happy again. You were the one who insisted on friending me in high school even though I was the outcast and you were with the in crowd. I remember that day in the halls... I was at my locker when Bossk came up and pushed me. You began to yell at him, but I pushed him into the lockers and punched his stupid face." I smile at the memory. "You stared at me in shock then smiled. After that you began to sit by or near me in class. You picked me first in PE and got me into trash talking Poe." I smile harder as I begin to cry. "I later dropped out and you and Poe hunted me. I'll never forget what you have both done for me." My smile slowly fades. "Tell him I say 'hi' and that 'I still love him.'" Finn's hand squeezes mine. "I'll always love you both." I lean down and kiss his forehead. "Thank you, my friend." I lean up and look down at him one more time. "We'll see each other again. I believe that." Finn's hand twitches and I smile through my tears knowing he has heard me.

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