Saved Your Life

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A/N: Play the song while reading the chapter, if it sounds familiar, it's the end credit song from 'If I Stay'.

Ben's POV
"You look gorgeous Rey." I tell her, as we are about to cross the street to where we are meeting my mom.

"Thank you... again." She says.

The light changes for us to walk. "Hey." She yanks on my hand. "Look both ways before you cross."

I look both ways, as people start going around us now.


"Yes, now let's go, before it changes."

We begin crossing. "You know if I got hit by a car, they're in the wrong."

"So tell me, how many people have walked away unharmed from vehicle versus pedestrian accidents?"

"Touche." I smile and she gives a sad smile back. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"As okay as I can be."

I know there's nothing I can do to bring Finn back. I'm trying to bring Rey back from her current mental state.

I open the cafe door and motion Rey inside. We step inside and I see my mom stand and make her way over from the other side of the waiting area.

"Rey." She smiles and gives Rey a hug rubbing her back. She releases her and opens her arms for me. I walk into her open arms and hug her rather small frame.

She releases me, but holds my arms. "It's about damn time son." She smiles and I catch Rey smiling, then she looks down at her ring.

We head over to the hostess stand of the cafe. "Outside table for three please." Leia tells her.

"Of course. Right this way." The hostess tells us and grabs three menus. I slid my hand into Rey and she looks up and gives me a smile that I know is fake.

It's saddening how well she can put on a face for everyone.

I see the dullness in her eyes though. She rather be alone at home.

We get to the table and I pull out Rey's chair for her.

"Thank you." She fake smiles again.

I sit down with her on my left. " So mom, you already knew."

"Yes, but how did you do it?"

"Oh I want to tell it." Rey chimes in and I see the sparkle returning to her eyes.

I smile as she tells the story and her my mom laugh at the end. "You really didn't know what was coming?"

"No, I mean not until I looked at the blank picture, then I was like 'Oh God. He's down on one knee isn't he?' and there he was." 

Rey looks at me and I lean in to kiss her.

"You two are so cute. Speaking of cute, when do I get grandchildren?"

Rey giggles and she sounds a little nervous. "Hopefully not for at least a year after the wedding."

"Oh really, why's that?"

"Just want to get settle and into the swing of things. Maybe take a few journeys before starting the wonderful next chapter of our lives as parents."

"That's such a sweet way of saying you aren't ready to start a family."

"Mother." I intervene.

"Oh Ben hush."

"No Ben, it's okay it's true. I just want to wait to start a family. I'm not exactly ready." Rey puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay love. I'm not quite ready either." I kiss her lips.

Our food we ordered comes and goes.

"Well thank you for the lovely lunch mother." I say.

"You're welcome. Sorry to cut this short, but I need to pick up Chewie from the groomers."

"No problem. I loved seeing you outside of work." Rey smiles at her.

I can see the shine dulling, but I'll find a way to get it back.

As we exit the cafe and go our seperate way from my mother  we approach the street corner and wait for the light.

I come up behind Rey and pull her back. "Saved your life." I laugh into her ear.

She turns and rolls her eyes. "What's next you're gonna touch the butt?"

I laugh and notice the light change. "Light's green."

I take a step off the curb.


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